Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 28,941-28,960 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
28941978-3-319-59770-6An Economic Analysis of the Rise and Decline of Chinese Township and Village EnterprisesCheng Jin2017SpringerClick Here
28942978-3-319-21981-3The Dynamism of Civil Procedure - Global Trends and DevelopmentsColin B. Picker, Guy Seidman2016SpringerClick Here
28943978-3-319-54286-7Engineering Scalable, Elastic, and Cost-Efficient Cloud Computing ApplicationsSteffen Becker, Gunnar Brataas, Sebastian Lehrig2017SpringerClick Here
28944978-981-10-2543-3Predictive Data Mining ModelsDavid L. Olson, Desheng Wu2017SpringerClick Here
28945978-3-319-24921-6The Silicon Valley ModelAnnika Steiber, Sverker Alänge2016SpringerClick Here
28946978-3-319-54298-0Leadership and LiteracyNeil Dempster, Tony Townsend, Greer Johnson, Anne Bayetto, Susan Lovett, Elizabeth Stevens2017SpringerClick Here
28947978-94-6300-618-7The Omnipotent Presence and Power of Teacher-Student Transactional Communication Relationships in the ClassroomFrederick Douglass H. Alcorn2016SpringerClick Here
28948978-3-319-27090-6Molecular Breeding for Sustainable Crop ImprovementVijay Rani Rajpal, S. Rama Rao, S.N. Raina2016SpringerClick Here
28949978-3-319-49700-6Digital Transformation and Global SocietyAndrei V. Chugunov, Radomir Bolgov, Yury Kabanov, George Kampis, Maria Wimmer2016SpringerClick Here
28950978-3-319-27312-9Current Trends in Plant Disease Diagnostics and Management PracticesPradeep Kumar, Vijai Kumar Gupta, Ajay Kumar Tiwari, Madhu Kamle2016SpringerClick Here
28951978-3-319-42845-1Girls and Juvenile JusticeCarla P. Davis2017SpringerClick Here
28952978-3-319-54265-2A Changing Climate for ScienceSophie C. Lewis2017SpringerClick Here
28953978-3-319-45809-0Statistical Analysis of Proteomics, Metabolomics, and Lipidomics Data Using Mass SpectrometrySusmita Datta, Bart J. A. Mertens2017SpringerClick Here
28954978-3-319-45677-53rd International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM2015)Ahmet Yavuz Oral, Zehra Banu Bahsi Oral2017SpringerClick Here
28955978-94-6351-029-5Dealing with Conceptualisations of LearningAne Qvortrup, Merete Wiberg2017SpringerClick Here
28956978-3-319-48705-2Charge-Trapping Non-Volatile MemoriesPanagiotis Dimitrakis2017SpringerClick Here
28957978-981-10-0003-4Search for Scalar Top Quarks and Higgsino-Like NeutralinosTakuya Nobe2016SpringerClick Here
28958978-3-319-56400-5A Revised Consent Model for the Transplantation of Face and Upper Limbs: Covenant ConsentJames L. Benedict2017SpringerClick Here
28959978-1-4842-2080-1Relational Database ProgrammingStefan Ardeleanu2016SpringerClick Here
28960978-3-319-51671-4Image-Based Multilevel Biomechanical Modeling for Fall-Induced Hip FractureYunhua Luo2017SpringerClick Here