Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 29,921-29,940 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
29921978-3-319-39750-4The Origins and Nature of Scandinavian Central BankingSteffen Elkiær Andersen2016SpringerClick Here
29922978-3-319-50772-9Independent Commissions and Contentious Issues in Post-Good Friday Agreement Northern IrelandDawn Walsh2017SpringerClick Here
29923978-981-10-3644-6The Lychee BiotechnologyManoj Kumar, Vivek Kumar, Ram Prasad, Ajit Varma2017SpringerClick Here
29924978-81-322-2535-5Determinants of Health Status in IndiaKeya Sengupta2016SpringerClick Here
29925978-981-10-5257-6Single Frequency Semiconductor Lasers Zujie Fang, Haiwen Cai, Gaoting Chen, Ronghui Qu2017SpringerClick Here
29926978-3-319-61061-0Human Mental Workload: Models and ApplicationsLuca Longo, M. Chiara Leva2017SpringerClick Here
29927978-3-642-30942-7Scheffer/Schachtschabel Soil ScienceHans-Peter Blume, Gerhard W. Brümmer, Heiner Fleige, Rainer Horn, Ellen Kandeler, Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, Ruben Kretzschmar, Karl Stahr, B.-Michael Wilke2016SpringerClick Here
29928978-3-319-59782-9High-Speed Decoders for Polar CodesPascal Giard, Claude Thibeault, Warren J. Gross2017SpringerClick Here
29929978-3-319-40445-5Understanding Leadership in Complex SystemsTerje Andreas Tonsberg, Jeffrey Shawn Henderson2016SpringerClick Here
29930978-1-4842-1694-1Beginning Elastic StackVishal Sharma2016SpringerClick Here
29931978-94-6239-166-6Models for Physics of the Very Small and Very LargeThomas J. Buckholtz2016SpringerClick Here
29932978-3-319-18017-5Crowdfunding in EuropeDennis Brüntje, Oliver Gajda2016SpringerClick Here
29933978-3-319-61750-3The Decline of the IndividualMark D. White2017SpringerClick Here
29934978-1-4939-6572-4Statistics and Analysis of Scientific DataMassimiliano Bonamente2017SpringerClick Here
29935978-981-10-2481-821st Century Skills Development Through Inquiry-Based LearningSamuel Kai Wah Chu, Rebecca B. Reynolds, Nicole J. Tavares, Michele Notari, Celina Wing Yi Lee2017SpringerClick Here
29936978-3-319-23377-2An Introduction to Observational AstrophysicsMark Gallaway2016SpringerClick Here
29937978-3-319-30707-7Twin Peaks for Europe: State-of-the-Art Financial Supervisory ConsolidationOlivia Johanna Erdélyi2016SpringerClick Here
29938978-3-319-31484-6Convex Analysis and Global OptimizationHoang Tuy2016SpringerClick Here
29939978-3-319-57090-7Nature, Artforms, and the World Around UsRobert E. Wood2017SpringerClick Here
29940978-3-319-56201-8Forest Inventory-based Projection Systems for Wood and Biomass AvailabilitySusana Barreiro, Mart-Jan Schelhaas, Ronald E. McRoberts, Gerald Kändler2017SpringerClick Here