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University of Delhi, DELHI

Showing 30,241-30,260 of 143,364 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
30241978-3-319-43023-2The Franciscan Invention of the New WorldJulia McClure2017SpringerClick Here
30242978-3-319-32165-3Integrating User-Centred Design in Agile DevelopmentGilbert Cockton, Marta Lárusdóttir, Peggy Gregory, Åsa Cajander2016SpringerClick Here
30243978-3-319-52292-0The European Union and the Eurozone under Stress John Theodore, Jonathan Theodore, Dimitrios Syrrakos2017SpringerClick Here
30244978-3-319-61548-6Cold War StoriesAndrew Hammond2017SpringerClick Here
30245978-3-658-16649-6The Potential of Massive Open Online Courses in the Context of Corporate Training and DevelopmentBianca Sillak-Riesinger2017SpringerClick Here
30246978-3-319-49784-6Ni- and Fe-Based Cross-Coupling ReactionsArkaitz Correa2017SpringerClick Here
30247978-1-4899-7678-9HypoxiaRobert C. Roach, Peter H. Hackett, Peter D. Wagner2016SpringerClick Here
30248978-94-6300-752-8Engineering ProfessionalismUlrik Jørgensen, Søsser Brodersen2016SpringerClick Here
30249978-3-319-34181-1Sustainable AviationT. Hikmet Karakoc, M. Baris Ozerdem, M. Ziya Sogut, Can Ozgur Colpan, Onder Altuntas, Emin Açıkkalp2016SpringerClick Here
30250978-1-4842-2574-5PrestaShop Recipes Arnaldo Pérez Castaño2017SpringerClick Here
30251978-3-319-33304-5Integral and Discrete Inequalities and Their ApplicationsYuming Qin2016SpringerClick Here
30252978-3-319-33172-0Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 102A. Douglas Kinghorn, Heinz Falk, Simon Gibbons, Jun'ichi Kobayashi2016SpringerClick Here
30253978-3-319-11529-0Designing Research on Bilingual DevelopmentMonika S. Schmid, Sanne M. Berends, Christopher Bergmann, Susanne M. Brouwer, Nienke Meulman, Bregtje J. Seton, Simone A. Sprenger, Laurie A. Stowe2016SpringerClick Here
30254978-3-319-44368-3Quality of Life and Mortality in Seventeenth Century London and DublinThomas E. Jordan2017SpringerClick Here
30255978-94-024-0948-2Biological Invasions and Its Management in ChinaFanghao Wan, Mingxing Jiang, Aibin Zhan2017SpringerClick Here
30256978-3-319-39025-3Stereoselective Desymmetrization Methods in the Assembly of Complex Natural MoleculesRobert.J Sharpe2016SpringerClick Here
30257978-3-642-54596-2Encyclopedia of ImmunotoxicologyHans-Werner Vohr2016SpringerClick Here
30258978-3-319-33658-9Integrated Absorption Refrigeration SystemsIbrahim Dincer, Tahir Abdul Hussain Ratlamwala2016SpringerClick Here
30259978-981-10-5120-3Encountering Development in the Age of Global CapitalismKin-Ling Tang2017SpringerClick Here
30260978-981-10-2756-7Strategies to Achieve a Binding International Agreement on Regulating CartelsJohn Sanghyun Lee2016SpringerClick Here