Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 31,521-31,540 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
31521978-3-319-32865-2Current Developments in Web Based LearningZhiguo Gong, Dickson K. W. Chiu, Di Zou2016SpringerClick Here
31522978-3-319-52615-7Historical Buildings and EnergyGiovanna Franco, Anna Magrini2017SpringerClick Here
31523978-3-319-24199-9Antimicrobial PeptidesJürgen Harder, Jens-M. Schröder2016SpringerClick Here
31524978-3-658-17104-9Private Schools and School Choice in Compulsory EducationThomas Koinzer, Rita Nikolai, Florian Waldow2017SpringerClick Here
31525978-3-319-22467-1Integration of Infrastructures in Europe in Historical ComparisonGerold Ambrosius, Christian Henrich-Franke2016SpringerClick Here
31526978-94-6265-132-6The Future of Drone UseBart Custers2016SpringerClick Here
31527978-3-319-27013-5High-Entropy AlloysMichael C. Gao, Jien-Wei Yeh, Peter K. Liaw, Yong Zhang2016SpringerClick Here
31528978-3-319-21106-0Applications of Systems Thinking and Soft Operations Research in Managing ComplexityAnthony J. Masys2016SpringerClick Here
31529978-3-319-32482-1Assessing and Stimulating a Dialogical Self in Groups, Teams, Cultures, and OrganizationsHubert Hermans2016SpringerClick Here
31530978-981-10-3268-4Carbon Dioxide Mineralization and UtilizationPen-Chi Chiang, Shu-Yuan Pan2017SpringerClick Here
31531978-3-319-48399-3Transcending BordersShannon Stettner, Katrina Ackerman, Kristin Burnett, Travis Hay2017SpringerClick Here
31532978-3-319-27721-9Vertebrate Sound Production and Acoustic CommunicationRoderick A. Suthers, W. Tecumseh Fitch, Richard R. Fay, Arthur N. Popper2016SpringerClick Here
31533978-3-662-48596-5Threats to the Quality of Groundwater ResourcesAndrea Scozzari, Elissavet Dotsika2016SpringerClick Here
31534978-3-319-17121-0Retinal Degenerative DiseasesCatherine Bowes Rickman, Matthew M. LaVail, Robert E. Anderson, Christian Grimm, Joe Hollyfield, John Ash2016SpringerClick Here
31535978-3-319-56145-5Transforming Engagement, Happiness and Well-BeingWilliam Scott-Jackson, Andrew Mayo2018SpringerClick Here
31536978-3-319-56096-0Understanding Novelty in OrganizationsMaria Laura Frigotto2018SpringerClick Here
31537978-3-319-41121-7Research Perspectives on Work and the Transition to MotherhoodChristiane Spitzmueller, Russell A. Matthews2016SpringerClick Here
31538978-3-319-58530-7Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Aging, Design and User ExperienceJia Zhou, Gavriel Salvendy2017SpringerClick Here
31539978-3-319-02372-4Regional Development in Rural AreasAndré Torre, Frédéric Wallet2016SpringerClick Here
31540978-1-61091-756-8State of the World 2016 Worldwatch Institute2016SpringerClick Here