Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 31,641-31,660 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
31641978-3-319-32419-7Financial Crimes: Psychological, Technological, and Ethical IssuesMichel Dion, David Weisstub, Jean-Loup Richet2016SpringerClick Here
31642978-81-322-3715-0Wetland Science B. Anjan Kumar Prusty, Rachna Chandra, P. A. Azeez2017SpringerClick Here
31643978-3-319-48854-7Brand FansAaron C.T. Smith, Constantino Stavros, Kate Westberg2017SpringerClick Here
31644978-3-319-47310-9Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions Driven Fusion EnergyBahman Zohuri2016SpringerClick Here
31645978-4-431-56532-1Obligate Pollination MutualismMakoto Kato, Atsushi Kawakita2017SpringerClick Here
31646978-3-319-33578-0Geometry and Quantization of Moduli SpacesVladimir Fock, Andrey Marshakov, Florent Schaffhauser, Constantin Teleman, Richard Wentworth, Luis Alvarez Consul, Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Ignasi Mundet i Riera2016SpringerClick Here
31647978-94-6300-494-7Global South Ethnographieselke emerald, Robert E Rinehart, Antonio Garcia2016SpringerClick Here
31648978-3-319-23353-6Mathematics and Methodology for EconomicsWolfgang Eichhorn, Winfried Gleißner2016SpringerClick Here
31649978-981-10-6074-8International Migration of ChinaLu Miao, Huiyao Wang2017SpringerClick Here
31650978-1-4842-2766-4Deep Learning with PythonNikhil Ketkar2017SpringerClick Here
31651978-3-319-42061-5Modelling Foundations and ApplicationsAndrzej Wąsowski, Henrik Lönn2016SpringerClick Here
31652978-3-319-29476-6The Profile of Political Leaders Jaap van Ginneken2016SpringerClick Here
31653978-3-319-42638-9Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes in Eastern Europe after the Collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991Garik Gutman, Volker Radeloff2017SpringerClick Here
31654978-3-319-23736-7Career Paths in Telemental HealthMarlene M. Maheu, Kenneth P. Drude, Shawna D. Wright2017SpringerClick Here
31655978-3-319-40367-0Information Security and PrivacyJoseph K. Liu, Ron Steinfeld2016SpringerClick Here
31656978-3-319-56732-7Linear Response TheoryGiuseppe De Nittis, Max Lein2017SpringerClick Here
31657978-94-6300-310-0Identity Work in the Contemporary UniversityJan Smith, Julie Rattray, Tai Peseta, Daphne Loads2016SpringerClick Here
31658978-3-319-51391-1Alleviating World SufferingRonald E. Anderson2017SpringerClick Here
31659978-3-319-40769-2Democracy and Social Justice Education in the Information AgeAngelo J. Letizia2017SpringerClick Here
31660978-3-662-49370-0Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail TransportationYong Qin, Limin Jia, Jianghua Feng, Min An, Lijun Diao2016SpringerClick Here