Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 31,761-31,780 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
31761978-3-319-39303-2Nanoscience in Food and Agriculture 1Shivendu Ranjan, Nandita Dasgupta, Eric Lichtfouse2016SpringerClick Here
31762978-3-658-11541-8Economic News, Sentiment, and BehaviorJuliane A. Lischka2016SpringerClick Here
31763978-3-319-43597-8Nordic Contributions in IS ResearchUlrika Lundh Snis2016SpringerClick Here
31764978-3-319-53031-4Developing Sustainable Balance of Payments in Small CountriesAndre Haughton2017SpringerClick Here
31765978-94-024-1007-5Effects of Herbicide-Tolerant Crop CultivationMichel Beckert, Yves Dessaux2016SpringerClick Here
31766978-1-4842-2635-3The Cloud DBA-Oracle Abhinivesh Jain, Niraj Mahajan2017SpringerClick Here
31767978-3-319-46364-3Optimization Techniques in Computer VisionMongi A. Abidi, Andrei V. Gribok, Joonki Paik2016SpringerClick Here
31768978-981-10-5302-3Influence of Traffic and Land Use on Urban Stormwater QualityJanaka M.A. Gunawardena, An Liu, Prasanna Egodawatta, Godwin A. Ayoko, Ashantha Goonetilleke2018SpringerClick Here
31769978-3-319-43189-5Women, Religion, and the GiftMorny Joy2017SpringerClick Here
31770978-94-6351-113-1At the Intersection of Selves and SubjectEllyn Lyle2017SpringerClick Here
31771978-1-4842-2102-0Agile SwiftGodfrey Nolan2017SpringerClick Here
31772978-3-319-45186-2Business Ethics and Leadership from an Eastern European, Transdisciplinary ContextSebastian Vaduva, Ioan S. Fotea, Andrew R. Thomas2017SpringerClick Here
31773978-3-319-33642-8Applications of Elliptic Carleman Inequalities to Cauchy and Inverse ProblemsMourad Choulli2016SpringerClick Here
31774978-3-319-50243-4Making CitizensPhilo C. Wasburn, Tawnya J. Adkins Covert2017SpringerClick Here
31775978-3-319-44206-8Animal Ethics in the Age of HumansBernice Bovenkerk, Jozef Keulartz2016SpringerClick Here
31776978-94-024-0999-4Lattice Quantum ChromodynamicsFrancesco Knechtli, Michael Günther, Michael Peardon2017SpringerClick Here
31777978-3-319-55804-2Diversity and Benefits of Microorganisms from the Tropics João Lucio de Azevedo, Maria Carolina Quecine2017SpringerClick Here
31778978-3-662-49007-5Transfer of Business and Acquired Employee RightsJens Kirchner, Sascha Morgenroth, Tim Marshall2016SpringerClick Here
31779978-94-6265-066-4Democracy and Rule of Law in the European UnionFlora A.N.J. Goudappel, Ernst M.H. Hirsch Ballin2016SpringerClick Here
31780978-3-319-30883-8Hybrid MetaheuristicsChristian Blum, Günther R. Raidl2016SpringerClick Here