Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 32,001-32,020 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
32001978-3-319-29647-0Models of Calcium SignallingGeneviève Dupont, Martin Falcke, Vivien Kirk, James Sneyd2016SpringerClick Here
32002978-1-4899-7705-2Handbook of Operations Analytics Using Data Envelopment AnalysisShiuh-Nan Hwang, Hsuan-Shih Lee, Joe Zhu2016SpringerClick Here
32003978-3-319-49944-4Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information SystemsA Min Tjoa, Li Da Xu, Maria Raffai, Niina Maarit Novak2016SpringerClick Here
32004978-3-662-53303-1Recent Development in Clusters of Rare Earths and Actinides: Chemistry and MaterialsZhiping Zheng2017SpringerClick Here
32005978-1-4842-2737-4Build Mobile Apps with Ionic 2 and FirebaseFu Cheng2017SpringerClick Here
32006978-3-319-41724-0Nuclear Batteries and RadioisotopesMark Prelas, Matthew Boraas, Fernando De La Torre Aguilar, John-David Seelig, Modeste Tchakoua Tchouaso, Denis Wisniewski2016SpringerClick Here
32007978-3-319-30133-4Transforming Healthcare Through Information SystemsDoug Vogel, Xitong Guo, Henry Linger, Chris Barry, Michael Lang, Christoph Schneider2016SpringerClick Here
32008978-981-10-5140-1Japanese Advance into the Pacific OceanAkitoshi Hiraoka2018SpringerClick Here
32009978-3-319-23491-5New Directions in Language Learning PsychologyChristina Gkonou, Dietmar Tatzl, Sarah Mercer2016SpringerClick Here
32010978-3-319-46982-9Runtime VerificationYliès Falcone, César Sánchez2016SpringerClick Here
32011978-3-319-55562-1The White ConfocalRolf Theodor Borlinghaus2017SpringerClick Here
32012978-4-431-55846-0The Smart City and the Co-creation of ValueNobuyuki Tokoro2016SpringerClick Here
32013978-981-10-1687-5Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2015 Conference ProceedingsQuan Zhang2016SpringerClick Here
32014978-3-319-61875-3Condensed Matter Applications of AdS/CFTAndrea Amoretti2017SpringerClick Here
32015978-3-662-53132-7Developments in Language TheorySrečko Brlek, Christophe Reutenauer2016SpringerClick Here
32016978-3-319-53016-1Emerging from an Entrenched Colonial EconomyDavid Hall2017SpringerClick Here
32017978-3-319-52473-3The Korean Government and Public Policies in a Development NexusJongwon Choi, Huck-ju Kwon, Min Gyo Koo2017SpringerClick Here
32018978-3-319-30750-3The Geometry of Urban LayoutsMahbub Rashid2017SpringerClick Here
32019978-3-319-25223-0Mission MasteryBrian Dive2016SpringerClick Here
32020978-1-4842-1913-3Mac OS X for Absolute BeginnersWallace Wang2016SpringerClick Here