Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 33,241-33,260 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
33241978-3-319-50073-7Evaluation of Groundwater Resources on the Coral Islands of Lakshadweep, IndiaVijay Shankar Singh2017SpringerClick Here
33242978-3-319-43799-6Hard Atheism and the Ethics of DesireJoel Marks2016SpringerClick Here
33243978-3-319-28766-9Trustworthy Global ComputingPierre Ganty, Michele Loreti2016SpringerClick Here
33244978-3-319-57189-8Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 2Susan L. Slocum, Carol Kline, Christina T. Cavaliere2018SpringerClick Here
33245978-3-658-11605-7Exhibiting Modernity and Indonesian Vernacular ArchitectureYulia Nurliani Lukito2016SpringerClick Here
33246978-94-007-6389-0Spider VenomsP. Gopalakrishnakone, Gerardo A. Corzo, Maria Elena de Lima, Elia Diego-García2016SpringerClick Here
33247978-3-319-31343-6Redemptive LeadershipJoseph J. Bucci2016SpringerClick Here
33248978-3-319-56172-1Ramanujan's Theta FunctionsShaun Cooper2017SpringerClick Here
33249978-1-4842-2835-7Advanced Persistent Training Jordan Schroeder2017SpringerClick Here
33250978-3-319-48147-0Ni-Co 2013Thomas Battle, Michael Moats, Violina Cocalia, Harald Oosterhof, Shafiq Alam, Antoine Allanore, Rodney Jones, Nathan Stubina, Corby Anderson, Shijie Wang2016SpringerClick Here
33251978-3-319-39253-0Food SafetyJinap Selamat, Shahzad Zafar Iqbal2016SpringerClick Here
33252978-94-6300-684-2Teachers Creating Context-Based Learning Environments in ScienceR. Taconis, den Brok P.2016SpringerClick Here
33253978-3-319-24136-4Building Energy Performance Assessment in Southern EuropeSimone Ferrari, Valentina Zanotto2016SpringerClick Here
33254978-3-319-40958-0Erich Auerbach and the Crisis of German PhilologyAvihu Zakai2017SpringerClick Here
33255978-3-319-48869-1Verified Software. Theories, Tools, and ExperimentsSandrine Blazy, Marsha Chechik2016SpringerClick Here
33256978-3-319-65551-2Creativity in Intelligent Technologies and Data ScienceAlla Kravets, Maxim Shcherbakov, Marina Kultsova, Peter Groumpos2017SpringerClick Here
33257978-3-319-46257-8Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2016Hujun Yin, Yang Gao, Bin Li, Daoqiang Zhang, Ming Yang, Yun Li, Frank Klawonn, Antonio J. Tallón-Ballesteros2016SpringerClick Here
33258978-3-319-31413-6Emotions and Personality in Personalized ServicesMarko Tkalčič, Berardina De Carolis, Marco de Gemmis, Ante Odić, Andrej Košir2016SpringerClick Here
33259978-94-6265-177-7Victim Participation in International Criminal JusticeKinga Tibori-Szabó, Megan Hirst2017SpringerClick Here
33260978-3-662-49367-0Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Electrical and Information Technologies for Rail TransportationLimin Jia, Zhigang Liu, Yong Qin, Rongjun Ding, Lijun Diao2016SpringerClick Here