Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 33,521-33,540 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
33521978-3-319-42758-4Foundations of Symmetric Spaces of Measurable FunctionsBen-Zion A. Rubshtein, Genady Ya. Grabarnik, Mustafa A. Muratov, Yulia S. Pashkova2016SpringerClick Here
33522978-3-319-33402-8Business Ethics Education and the Pragmatic Pursuit of the GoodFrancis J. Schweigert2016SpringerClick Here
33523978-3-319-59238-1The Political Economy of Britain in CrisisChristopher Kirkland2017SpringerClick Here
33524978-3-662-53644-5Theory of CryptographyMartin Hirt, Adam Smith2016SpringerClick Here
33525978-3-319-60195-3Spatial Big Data ScienceZhe Jiang, Shashi Shekhar2017SpringerClick Here
33526978-3-319-32447-0Enhancing Professional Knowledge of Pre-Service Science Teacher Education by Self-Study ResearchGayle A. Buck, Valarie L. Akerson2016SpringerClick Here
33527978-3-319-30782-4Critical MindfulnessSayyed Mohsen Fatemi2016SpringerClick Here
33528978-3-319-39092-5Mathematical Paradigms of Climate ScienceFabio Ancona, Piermarco Cannarsa, Christopher Jones, Alessandro Portaluri2016SpringerClick Here
33529978-3-319-42553-5Big Data Computing and CommunicationsYu Wang, Ge Yu, Yanyong Zhang, Zhu Han, Guoren Wang2016SpringerClick Here
33530978-1-4842-2310-9Beginning Swift Games Development for iOSJames Goodwill, Wesley Matlock2017SpringerClick Here
33531978-1-61091-780-3Our Renewable FutureRichard Heinberg, David Fridley2016SpringerClick Here
33532978-981-10-0530-5Theory of Reproducing Kernels and ApplicationsSaburou Saitoh, Yoshihiro Sawano2016SpringerClick Here
33533978-3-319-21647-8Microwave Radiation of the Ocean-AtmosphereAlexander G. Grankov, Alexander A. Milshin2016SpringerClick Here
33534978-3-319-44978-4Human Color VisionJan Kremers, Rigmor C. Baraas, N. Justin Marshall2016SpringerClick Here
33535978-3-319-59153-7Advances in Computational IntelligenceIgnacio Rojas, Gonzalo Joya, Andreu Catala2017SpringerClick Here
33536978-3-319-39601-9Inclusive Smart Cities and Digital HealthCarl K. Chang, Lorenzo Chiari, Yu Cao, Hai Jin, Mounir Mokhtari, Hamdi Aloulou2016SpringerClick Here
33537978-981-10-3045-1Scaling up Assessment for Learning in Higher EducationDavid Carless, Susan M. Bridges, Cecilia Ka Yuk Chan, Rick Glofcheski2017SpringerClick Here
33538978-3-319-45868-7Liquid LegalKai Jacob, Dierk Schindler, Roger Strathausen2017SpringerClick Here
33539978-3-319-22312-4The Economics of Professional Road CyclingDaam Van Reeth, Daniel J. Larson2016SpringerClick Here
33540978-3-319-47846-3Formal Methods and Software EngineeringKazuhiro Ogata, Mark Lawford, Shaoying Liu2016SpringerClick Here