Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 34,061-34,080 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
34061978-3-319-27763-9Big Data Concepts, Theories, and Applications Shui Yu, Song Guo2016SpringerClick Here
34062978-3-319-50584-8Synchronized Phasor Measurements and Their ApplicationsArun G. Phadke, James S. Thorp2017SpringerClick Here
34063978-3-319-51112-2Contemporary Irish Poetry and the CanonKenneth Keating2017SpringerClick Here
34064978-3-319-31220-0Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language and MethodShaoying Liu, Zhenhua Duan2016SpringerClick Here
34065978-3-319-34015-9Hope and Wish Image in Music TechnologyDavid P. Rando2017SpringerClick Here
34066978-3-319-60595-1Complexity in Society: From Indicators Construction to their SynthesisFilomena Maggino2017SpringerClick Here
34067978-981-10-0678-4Beijing Urban MemoryFang Wang2016SpringerClick Here
34068978-3-319-61654-4Climate Change in the HimalayasG. B. Pant, P. Pradeep Kumar, Jayashree V. Revadekar, Narendra Singh2018SpringerClick Here
34069978-3-319-52998-1Quantum Physics of Light and Matter Luca Salasnich2017SpringerClick Here
34070978-3-319-53447-3The Political Theology of European IntegrationMark R. Royce2017SpringerClick Here
34071978-981-10-5197-5Computer-Aided Architectural Design. Future TrajectoriesGülen Çağdaş, Mine Özkar, Leman Figen Gül, Ethem Gürer2017SpringerClick Here
34072978-3-319-61920-0Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and ServicesJosé Ángel Bañares, Konstantinos Tserpes, Jörn Altmann2017SpringerClick Here
34073978-3-319-27446-1Why Engagement MattersHeather O'Brien, Paul Cairns2016SpringerClick Here
34074978-3-319-53502-9Nineteenth-Century Verse and TechnologyJason David Hall2017SpringerClick Here
34075978-981-10-0159-8Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis and Its ApplicationsYuichi Mori, Masahiro Kuroda, Naomichi Makino2016SpringerClick Here
34076978-3-319-56687-0Video Analytics. Face and Facial Expression Recognition and Audience MeasurementKamal Nasrollahi, Cosimo Distante, Gang Hua, Andrea Cavallaro, Thomas B. Moeslund, Sebastiano Battiato, Qiang Ji2017SpringerClick Here
34077978-3-319-20872-5Technology and the Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderTeresa A. Cardon2016SpringerClick Here
34078978-3-319-47877-7Handbook of Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development in Higher EducationWalter Leal Filho, Ulisses M. Azeiteiro, Fátima Alves, Petra Molthan-Hill2017SpringerClick Here
34079978-3-319-45289-0Enlarging the Scope of Peace PsychologyMohamed Seedat, Shahnaaz Suffla, Daniel J. Christie2017SpringerClick Here
34080978-981-10-3599-9Optimal Control Applications for Operations StrategyBowon Kim2017SpringerClick Here