Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 34,461-34,480 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
34461978-3-319-60421-3Long Afterglow Phosphorescent MaterialsSuli Wu, Zaifa Pan, Runfeng Chen, Xiaogang Liu2017SpringerClick Here
34462978-3-319-44564-9Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and InteractionNorbert Fuhr, Paulo Quaresma, Teresa Gonçalves, Birger Larsen, Krisztian Balog, Craig Macdonald, Linda Cappellato, Nicola Ferro2016SpringerClick Here
34463978-94-6300-456-5If the Truth Be ToldRonald J. Pelias2016SpringerClick Here
34464978-3-319-49077-9The Psychology of Digital LearningStephan Schwan, Ulrike Cress2017SpringerClick Here
34465978-3-319-63688-7Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2017Jonathan Katz, Hovav Shacham2017SpringerClick Here
34466978-981-10-5604-8Mineral Exploration: Practical ApplicationG.S. Roonwal2018SpringerClick Here
34467978-3-319-31006-0From the Realm of the Nebulae to Populations of GalaxiesMauro D'Onofrio, Roberto Rampazzo, Simone Zaggia2016SpringerClick Here
34468978-3-319-45623-2A Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty ReductionVishwambhar Prasad Sati, Lalrinpuia Vangchhia2017SpringerClick Here
34469978-3-319-21097-1Forensic Interviews Regarding Child Sexual AbuseWilliam T. O'Donohue, Matthew Fanetti2016SpringerClick Here
34470978-3-319-27149-1Robot 2015: Second Iberian Robotics ConferenceLuís Paulo Reis, António Paulo Moreira, Pedro Lima, Luis Montano, Victor Munoz Martinez2016SpringerClick Here
34471978-3-319-48251-4Light Metals 2016Edward Williams2016SpringerClick Here
34472978-3-319-28437-8Modeling of Tropospheric Delays Using ANFISWayan Suparta, Kemal Maulana Alhasa2016SpringerClick Here
34473978-3-319-15708-5Integrated Spatial and Transport Infrastructure DevelopmentHansjörg Drewello, Bernd Scholl2016SpringerClick Here
34474978-3-319-47530-1The EU, Promoting Regional Integration, and Conflict ResolutionThomas Diez, Nathalie Tocci2017SpringerClick Here
34475978-3-319-38759-8Quantitative Psychology ResearchL. Andries van der Ark, Daniel M. Bolt, Wen-Chung Wang, Jeffrey A. Douglas, Marie Wiberg2016SpringerClick Here
34476978-3-319-27866-7An Introduction to Microwave Imaging for Breast Cancer DetectionRaquel Cruz Conceição, Johan Jacob Mohr, Martin O'Halloran2016SpringerClick Here
34477978-3-319-23350-5Metaheuristics for Production SystemsEl-Ghazali Talbi, Farouk Yalaoui, Lionel Amodeo2016SpringerClick Here
34478978-3-319-50164-2Empirical Studies on Economics of Innovation, Public Economics and Management Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir, Ugur Can2017SpringerClick Here
34479978-3-319-29096-6Recent Trends in Materials and DevicesVinod Kumar Jain, Sunita Rattan, Abhishek Verma2017SpringerClick Here
34480978-1-4842-1392-6Introducing Linux DistrosJose Dieguez Castro2016SpringerClick Here