Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 34,681-34,700 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
34681978-3-319-54106-8Photographic and Descriptive Musculoskeletal Atlas of BonobosRui Diogo, Brian Shearer, Josep M. Potau, Juan F. Pastor, Felix J. de Paz, Julia Arias-Martorell, Cassandra Turcotte, Ashley Hammond, Evie Vereecke, Marie Vanhoof, Sandra Nauwelaerts, Bernard Wood2017SpringerClick Here
34682978-94-6300-444-2Beyond Economic InterestsKeiko Yasukawa, Stephen Black2016SpringerClick Here
34683978-3-319-48293-4Ethnic Mobilization, Violence, and the Politics of AffectAdis Maksić2017SpringerClick Here
34684978-3-319-32240-7Big Picture Bioethics: Developing Democratic Policy in Contested DomainsSusan Dodds, Rachel A. Ankeny2016SpringerClick Here
34685978-3-662-43978-4Encyclopedia of ParasitologyHeinz Mehlhorn2016SpringerClick Here
34686978-3-319-25071-7Integrated Water Resources Management: Concept, Research and ImplementationDietrich Borchardt, Janos J. Bogardi, Ralf B. Ibisch2016SpringerClick Here
34687978-3-319-33753-1Complex Systems and Social Practices in Energy TransitionsNicola Labanca2017SpringerClick Here
34688978-4-431-55603-9Nuclear Thermal HydraulicsHajime Akimoto, Yoshinari Anoda, Kazuyuki Takase, Hiroyuki Yoshida, Hidesada Tamai2016SpringerClick Here
34689978-3-319-42309-8IsoGeometric Analysis: A New Paradigm in the Numerical Approximation of PDEsAnnalisa Buffa, Giancarlo Sangalli2016SpringerClick Here
34690978-3-319-56723-5Green Inside Activism for Sustainable DevelopmentErik Hysing, Jan Olsson2018SpringerClick Here
34691978-3-319-25376-3Probing the Response of Two-Dimensional Crystals by Optical SpectroscopyYilei Li2016SpringerClick Here
34692978-3-319-16450-2Using Multimodal Representations to Support Learning in the Science ClassroomBrian Hand, Mark McDermott, Vaughan Prain2016SpringerClick Here
34693978-3-319-55904-9The Global Society and Its EnemiesLudger Kühnhardt2017SpringerClick Here
34694978-3-319-55663-5Banking Reforms in IndiaT R Bishnoi, Sofia Devi2017SpringerClick Here
34695978-3-319-30654-4Cancer and ZebrafishDavid M. Langenau2016SpringerClick Here
34696978-94-6300-666-8Quality in Higher EducationMing Cheng2016SpringerClick Here
34697978-3-319-64367-0Advances in Spatial and Temporal DatabasesMichael Gertz, Matthias Renz, Xiaofang Zhou, Erik Hoel, Wei-Shinn Ku, Agnes Voisard, Chengyang Zhang, Haiquan Chen, Liang Tang, Yan Huang, Chang-Tien Lu, Siva Ravada2017SpringerClick Here
34698978-3-319-27775-2Political PhenomenologyHwa Yol Jung, Lester Embree2016SpringerClick Here
34699978-3-319-51097-2Mechanical and Creep Behavior of Advanced MaterialsIndrajit Charit, Yuntian T. Zhu, Stuart A. Maloy, Peter K. Liaw2017SpringerClick Here
34700978-981-10-3171-7International Relations and Asia’s Southern TierGilbert Rozman, Joseph Chinyong Liow2018SpringerClick Here