Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 35,021-35,040 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
35021978-1-4939-6349-2Early Childhood Assessment in School and Clinical Child PsychologyAdrienne Garro2016SpringerClick Here
35022978-3-319-24064-0A Feasible Basic Income Scheme for GermanyMaximilian Sommer2016SpringerClick Here
35023978-981-10-0785-9Teacher EducationRobyn Brandenburg, Sharon McDonough, Jenene Burke, Simone White2016SpringerClick Here
35024978-981-10-0789-7Quality Assurance and Institutional TransformationShuiyun Liu2016SpringerClick Here
35025978-981-10-2191-6General Principles of Thai Private LawAlessandro Stasi2016SpringerClick Here
35026978-3-319-67564-0Molecular Imaging, Reconstruction and Analysis of Moving Body Organs, and Stroke Imaging and TreatmentM. Jorge Cardoso, Tal Arbel, Fei Gao, Bernhard Kainz, Theo van Walsum, Kuangyu Shi, Kanwal K. Bhatia, Roman Peter, Tom Vercauteren, Mauricio Reyes, Adrian Dalca, Roland Wiest, Wiro Niessen, Bart J. Emmer2017SpringerClick Here
35027978-3-319-22720-7Oceanography of the East Sea (Japan Sea)Kyung-Il Chang, Chang-Ik Zhang, Chul Park, Dong-Jin Kang, Se-Jong Ju, Sang-Hoon Lee, Mark Wimbush2016SpringerClick Here
35028978-3-319-31842-4Hasse-Schmidt Derivations on Grassmann AlgebrasLetterio Gatto, Parham Salehyan2016SpringerClick Here
35029978-981-10-4382-6Ti-Sb-Te Phase Change Materials: Component Optimisation, Mechanism and ApplicationsMin Zhu2017SpringerClick Here
35030978-3-319-54292-8Numerical Software VerificationSergiy Bogomolov, Matthieu Martel, Pavithra Prabhakar2017SpringerClick Here
35031978-94-6265-111-1The Liability of Arbitral Institutions: Legitimacy Challenges and Functional ResponsesBarbara Alicja Warwas2017SpringerClick Here
35032978-3-319-44185-6Emotion, Ritual and Power in Europe, 1200–1920Merridee L. Bailey, Katie Barclay2017SpringerClick Here
35033978-3-319-63417-3Manifestations of Dark Matter and Variations of the Fundamental Constants in Atoms and Astrophysical PhenomenaYevgeny V. Stadnik2017SpringerClick Here
35034978-3-319-42354-8The United Nations and the Politics of Selective Humanitarian InterventionMartin Binder2017SpringerClick Here
35035978-3-319-12334-9Algae BiotechnologyFaizal Bux, Yusuf Chisti2016SpringerClick Here
35036978-3-319-60705-4An Ordinary CityJustin B. Hollander2018SpringerClick Here
35037978-3-319-29668-5 A Concise Course on the Theory of Classical LiquidsAndrés Santos2016SpringerClick Here
35038978-3-319-57858-3Risk Assessment and Risk-Driven Quality AssuranceJürgen Großmann, Michael Felderer, Fredrik Seehusen2017SpringerClick Here
35039978-3-319-23582-0Postharvest Management Approaches for Maintaining Quality of Fresh ProduceMohammed Wasim Siddiqui, Jesus Fernando Ayala Zavala, Cheng-An (Andy) Hwang2016SpringerClick Here
35040978-3-319-31224-8Understanding Relational and Group Experiences through the Mmogo-Method®Vera Roos2016SpringerClick Here