Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 35,581-35,600 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
35581978-3-319-52459-7Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) in the Marketing ContextElvira Ismagilova, Yogesh K. Dwivedi, Emma Slade, Michael D. Williams2017SpringerClick Here
35582978-3-319-42382-1Analog and Digital Signal AnalysisFrédéric Cohen Tenoudji2016SpringerClick Here
35583978-3-319-41319-8Melanoma DevelopmentAnja K. Bosserhoff2017SpringerClick Here
35584978-3-319-52036-0Emerging Economy MNEsJoan Lilian Ogendo2017SpringerClick Here
35585978-3-319-15323-0Advances in Engineering Education in the Middle East and North AfricaMahmoud Abdulwahed, Mazen O. Hasna, Jeffrey E. Froyd2016SpringerClick Here
35586978-3-319-54780-0The 2015 UK General Election and the 2016 EU ReferendumIan R. Lamond, Chelsea Reid2017SpringerClick Here
35587978-3-319-52815-1History of Economic RationalitiesJakob Bek-Thomsen, Christian Olaf Christiansen, Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen, Mikkel Thorup2017SpringerClick Here
35588978-3-319-40519-3High Dimensional Probability VIIChristian Houdré, David M. Mason, Patricia Reynaud-Bouret, Jan Rosiński2016SpringerClick Here
35589978-3-319-44081-1Redox State as a Central Regulator of Plant-Cell Stress ResponsesDharmendra K Gupta, José M. Palma, Francisco J. Corpas2016SpringerClick Here
35590978-94-024-1132-4Essays on Husserl's Logic and Philosophy of MathematicsStefania Centrone2017SpringerClick Here
35591978-981-10-1816-9Operators on Hilbert SpaceV. S. Sunder2016SpringerClick Here
35592978-3-662-49617-6Synthesis and Optimization of Chalcogenides Quantum Dots Thermoelectric MaterialsChong Xiao2016SpringerClick Here
35593978-1-4842-2478-6Building Web Applications with Visual Studio 2017Philip Japikse, Kevin Grossnicklaus, Ben Dewey2017SpringerClick Here
35594978-3-319-47922-4Modeling and Optimization for Mobile Social NetworksZhou Su, Qichao Xu, Kuan Zhang, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen2016SpringerClick Here
35595978-981-10-0827-6Rising China in a Changing WorldJin Kai2017SpringerClick Here
35596978-94-6300-462-6Haruki MurakamiMatthew C. Strecher, Paul L. Thomas2016SpringerClick Here
35597978-981-10-1097-2Consumer Energy Conservation Behavior After FukushimaIsamu Matsukawa2016SpringerClick Here
35598978-981-10-2522-8Artificial Rearing of Reduviid Predators for Pest Management K. Sahayaraj, R. Balasubramanian2016SpringerClick Here
35599978-3-319-50500-8Smart Cards, Tokens, Security and ApplicationsKeith Mayes, Konstantinos Markantonakis2017SpringerClick Here
35600978-3-319-62809-7Developments in Language TheoryÉmilie Charlier, Julien Leroy, Michel Rigo2017SpringerClick Here