Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 36,601-36,620 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
36601978-3-319-64489-9Solvability, Regularity, and Optimal Control of Boundary Value Problems for PDEsPierluigi Colli, Angelo Favini, Elisabetta Rocca, Giulio Schimperna, Jürgen Sprekels2017SpringerClick Here
36602978-3-319-64501-8Modern Age Environmental Problems and their RemediationMohammad Oves, Mohammad Zain Khan, Iqbal M.I. Ismail2018SpringerClick Here
36603978-3-319-64504-9Who's Afraid of John Maynard Keynes?Paul Davidson2017SpringerClick Here
36604978-3-319-64532-2E-Learning in the WorkplaceMinhong Wang2018SpringerClick Here
36605978-3-319-64526-1IgM and Its Receptors and Binding ProteinsHiromi Kubagawa, Peter D. Burrows2017SpringerClick Here
36606978-3-319-64534-6The Urban PoliticalTheresa Enright, Ugo Rossi2018SpringerClick Here
36607978-3-319-64543-8Circadian Rhythms and Their Impact on AgingS. Michal Jazwinski, Victoria P Belancio, Steven M Hill2017SpringerClick Here
36608978-3-319-64546-9The Moment ProblemKonrad Schmüdgen2017SpringerClick Here
36609978-3-319-64550-6Cancer Genetics and PsychotherapyParvin Mehdipour2017SpringerClick Here
36610978-3-319-64556-8Political Ecology, Food Regimes, and Food SovereigntyMark Tilzey2018SpringerClick Here
36611978-3-319-64568-1Optimization and Management in Manufacturing EngineeringXinbao Liu, Jun Pei, Lin Liu, Hao Cheng, Mi Zhou, Panos M. Pardalos2017SpringerClick Here
36612978-3-319-64592-6Handbook of Social Behavior and Skills in Children Johnny L. Matson2017SpringerClick Here
36613978-3-319-64602-2Trauma Responsive Child Welfare SystemsVirginia C. Strand, Ginny Sprang2018SpringerClick Here
36614978-3-319-64608-4Prostitution and Sex Work in Global CinemaDanielle Hipkins, Kate Taylor-Jones2017SpringerClick Here
36615978-3-319-64612-1Quantum Theory, Groups and RepresentationsPeter Woit2017SpringerClick Here
36616978-3-319-64617-6Creating Cultural Safety in Couple and Family TherapyRobert Allan, Shruti Singh Poulsen2017SpringerClick Here
36617978-3-319-64614-5The Struggles of Identity, Education, and Agency in the Lives of Undocumented StudentsAurora Chang2018SpringerClick Here
36618978-3-319-64653-4Guide to Security in SDN and NFVShao Ying Zhu, Sandra Scott-Hayward, Ludovic Jacquin, Richard Hill2017SpringerClick Here
36619978-3-319-64650-3The Work and Play of the Mind in the Information AgePhillip Kalantzis-Cope2018SpringerClick Here
36620978-3-319-64641-1Advances in Natural Fibre CompositesRaul Fangueiro, Sohel Rana2018SpringerClick Here