Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 38,161-38,180 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
38161978-981-10-6716-7Sustainable Luxury, Entrepreneurship, and InnovationMiguel Angel Gardetti, Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu2018SpringerClick Here
38162978-981-10-6826-3The Middle and Upper Paleolithic Archeology of the Levant and BeyondYoshihiro Nishiaki, Takeru Akazawa2018SpringerClick Here
38163978-981-10-7305-2Computer VisionJinfeng Yang, Qinghua Hu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Liang Wang, Qingshan Liu, Xiang Bai, Deyu Meng2017SpringerClick Here
38164978-981-10-7431-8Waste to WealthReeta Rani Singhania, Rashmi Avinash Agarwal, R. Praveen Kumar, Rajeev K Sukumaran2018SpringerClick Here
38165978-1-349-95278-6Real Market EconomicsPhilip Rush2018SpringerClick Here
38166978-1-4842-3048-0Privileged Attack VectorsMorey J. Haber, Brad Hibbert2018SpringerClick Here
38167978-1-4842-3210-1Pro Power BI DesktopAdam Aspin2018SpringerClick Here
38168978-1-4939-6521-2Handbook of East and Southeast Asian ArchaeologyJunko Habu, Peter V. Lape, John W. Olsen2017SpringerClick Here
38169978-3-319-54675-9Policy Capacity and GovernanceXun Wu, Michael Howlett, M Ramesh2018SpringerClick Here
38170978-3-319-61792-3Media and the Portuguese EmpireJosé Luís Garcia, Chandrika Kaul, Filipa Subtil, Alexandra Santos2017SpringerClick Here
38171978-3-319-62099-2Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics in Memory of Ragnar SigbjörnssonRajesh Rupakhety, Símon Ólafsson2018SpringerClick Here
38172978-3-319-65109-5Twenty-First Century Marianne MooreElizabeth Gregory, Stacy Carson Hubbard2018SpringerClick Here
38173978-3-319-65202-3Simulating Crowds in Egress ScenariosVinícius J. Cassol, Soraia R. Musse, Cláudio R. Jung, Norman I Badler2017SpringerClick Here
38174978-3-319-65349-5Higher Education and Post-Conflict Recovery Sansom Milton2018SpringerClick Here
38175978-3-319-65455-3Operations Research Applications in Health Care ManagementCengiz Kahraman, Y. Ilker Topcu2018SpringerClick Here
38176978-3-319-65714-1International Trade Policy and Class Dynamics in South AfricaSimone Claar2018SpringerClick Here
38177978-3-319-66899-4Sound and the Aesthetics of PlayJustin Christensen2018SpringerClick Here
38178978-3-319-67199-4Encyclopedia of Signaling MoleculesSangdun Choi2018SpringerClick Here
38179978-3-319-69209-8Redefining ManagementVarda Muhlbauer, Wes Harry2017SpringerClick Here
38180978-3-319-70712-9Ethical and Social Issues in the Information AgeJoseph Migga Kizza2017SpringerClick Here