Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 39,301-39,320 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
39301978-3-319-70474-65-HT2A Receptors in the Central Nervous SystemBruno P. Guiard, Giuseppe Di Giovanni2018SpringerClick Here
39302978-3-319-70642-9The Ixodid Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) of Southern AfricaIvan G. Horak, Heloise Heyne, Roy Williams, G. James Gallivan, Arthur M. Spickett, J. Dürr Bezuidenhout, Agustín Estrada-Peña2018SpringerClick Here
39303978-3-319-70669-6Rape Culture, Gender Violence, and ReligionCaroline Blyth, Emily Colgan, Katie B. Edwards2018SpringerClick Here
39304978-3-319-71210-9Handbook of Childhood Psychopathology and Developmental Disabilities Treatment Johnny L. Matson2017SpringerClick Here
39305978-3-319-72281-8John Ruskin's Politics and Natural LawGraham A. MacDonald2018SpringerClick Here
39306978-3-319-72811-7A Micro-History of Victorian Liberal ParentingKevin A. Morrison2018SpringerClick Here
39307978-3-319-73198-8Complex Networks IXSean Cornelius, Kate Coronges, Bruno Gonçalves, Roberta Sinatra, Alessandro Vespignani2018SpringerClick Here
39308978-3-319-75786-5Image and Video TechnologyManoranjan Paul, Carlos Hitoshi, Qingming Huang2018SpringerClick Here
39309978-3-319-75931-9Computer GamesTristan Cazenave, Mark H.M. Winands, Abdallah Saffidine2018SpringerClick Here
39310978-981-10-6838-6A Course in BE-algebrasSambasiva Rao Mukkamala2018SpringerClick Here
39311978-981-10-7140-9Microbial BiotechnologyJayanta Kumar Patra, Gitishree Das, Han-Seung Shin2018SpringerClick Here
39312978-981-10-7461-5Rice Genomics, Genetics and BreedingTakuji Sasaki, Motoyuki Ashikari2018SpringerClick Here
39313978-981-10-7500-1Downy Mildew Disease of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease ManagementGovind Singh Saharan, Naresh Mehta, Prabhu Dayal Meena2017SpringerClick Here
39314978-981-10-7853-8Biotechnology for Pulp and Paper ProcessingPratima Bajpai2018SpringerClick Here
39315978-981-10-8411-9Wittgenstein’s Education: 'A Picture Held Us Captive’Michael A. Peters, Jeff Stickney2018SpringerClick Here
39316978-1-349-95189-5The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Macmillan Publishers Ltd2018SpringerClick Here
39317978-3-319-42249-7Wireless Mobility in OrganizationsStephen C. Clark, Theodora Valvi2018SpringerClick Here
39318978-3-319-58550-5Museum Experience DesignArnold Vermeeren, Licia Calvi, Amalia Sabiescu2018SpringerClick Here
39319978-3-319-67177-2Understanding Invasive Species in the Galapagos IslandsMaría de Lourdes Torres, Carlos F. Mena2018SpringerClick Here
39320978-3-319-67961-7Religion in the European Refugee CrisisUlrich Schmiedel, Graeme Smith2018SpringerClick Here