Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 40,021-40,040 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
40021978-3-319-77881-5Impact of Culture on Management of Foreign SMEs in ChinaRubens Pauluzzo, Bin Shen2018SpringerClick Here
40022978-981-10-6952-9Environmental Regulations and Innovation in Advanced Automobile TechnologiesAshish Bharadwaj2018SpringerClick Here
40023978-981-10-8159-0Making Medicine a BusinessPierre-Yves Donzé2018SpringerClick Here
40024978-3-319-51781-0Raoul Bott: Collected Papers Loring W. Tu2017SpringerClick Here
40025978-3-319-62649-9Innovation and the Entrepreneurial UniversityDirk Meissner, Erkan Erdil, Joanna Chataway2018SpringerClick Here
40026978-3-319-63082-3Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2016Peregrina Quintela, Patricia Barral, Dolores Gómez, Francisco J. Pena, Jerónimo Rodríguez, Pilar Salgado, Miguel E. Vázquez-Méndez2017SpringerClick Here
40027978-3-319-64656-5The Future of Higher Education in the Middle East and AfricaHabib M. Fardoun, Kevin J. Downing, Mandy Mok2018SpringerClick Here
40028978-3-319-65840-7MediaSyncMario Montagud, Pablo Cesar, Fernando Boronat, Jack Jansen2018SpringerClick Here
40029978-3-319-67474-2Land-Atmospheric Research Applications in South and Southeast AsiaKrishna Prasad Vadrevu, Toshimasa Ohara, Chris Justice2018SpringerClick Here
40030978-3-319-68142-9Gemini Flies!David J. Shayler2018SpringerClick Here
40031978-3-319-69081-0Steven Spielberg's Style by StealthJames Mairata2018SpringerClick Here
40032978-3-319-70485-2Managing Public TrustBarbara Kożuch, Sławomir J. Magala, Joanna Paliszkiewicz2018SpringerClick Here
40033978-3-319-72541-3Introduction to Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake EngineeringGian Paolo Cimellaro, Sebastiano Marasco2018SpringerClick Here
40034978-3-319-72577-2Philosophy of ScienceAlexander Christian, David Hommen, Nina Retzlaff, Gerhard Schurz2018SpringerClick Here
40035978-3-319-72920-6Criticality, Teacher Identity, and (In)equity in English Language Teaching Bedrettin Yazan, Nathanael Rudolph2018SpringerClick Here
40036978-3-319-73132-2Guide to Scientific Computing in C++Joe Pitt-Francis, Jonathan Whiteley2017SpringerClick Here
40037978-3-319-73939-7Complementary and Alternative MedicineCaragh Brosnan, Pia Vuolanto, Jenny-Ann Brodin Danell2018SpringerClick Here
40038978-3-319-75674-5Rape Trials in England and WalesOlivia Smith2018SpringerClick Here
40039978-3-319-76427-6Hybrid and Fully Thermoelectric Solar HarvestingDario Narducci, Peter Bermel, Bruno Lorenzi, Ning Wang, Kazuaki Yazawa2018SpringerClick Here
40040978-3-319-78139-6Communications and NetworkingBo Li, Lei Shu, Deze Zeng2018SpringerClick Here