Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 43,561-43,580 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
43561978-3-319-91331-5All Too HumanLydia L. Moland2018SpringerClick Here
43562978-3-319-91611-8The Palgrave Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on EntrepreneurshipRomeo V. Turcan, Norman M. Fraser2018SpringerClick Here
43563978-3-319-92816-6The Drava RiverDénes Lóczy2019SpringerClick Here
43564978-3-319-92910-1Brazil and the United States during World War II and Its AftermathFrank D. McCann2018SpringerClick Here
43565978-3-319-93091-6Critical Approaches to Welcome to Night ValeJeffrey Andrew Weinstock2018SpringerClick Here
43566978-3-319-95108-9The History of Research on Chemical Periodic ProcessesAlexander Pechenkin2018SpringerClick Here
43567978-3-319-95192-8On Being ReformedMatthew C. Bingham, Chris Caughey, R. Scott Clark, Crawford Gribben, D. G. Hart2018SpringerClick Here
43568978-3-319-95435-6Formations of European Modernity Gerard Delanty2019SpringerClick Here
43569978-3-319-95795-1Continuing Professional Development of Teachers in FinlandYongjian Li, Fred Dervin2018SpringerClick Here
43570978-3-319-96247-4Computational Aspects and Applications in Large-Scale NetworksValery A. Kalyagin, Panos M. Pardalos, Oleg Prokopyev, Irina Utkina2018SpringerClick Here
43571978-3-319-96406-5Animal Ethics and the Nonconformist ConsciencePhilip J. Sampson2018SpringerClick Here
43572978-3-319-97352-4The Presidentialisation of Political Parties in the Western BalkansGianluca Passarelli2019SpringerClick Here
43573978-3-319-98304-2Mathematical Modeling of Protein ComplexesTatiana Koshlan, Kirill Kulikov2018SpringerClick Here
43574978-3-319-98845-0Software Processes and Life Cycle ModelsRalf Kneuper2018SpringerClick Here
43575978-3-319-99704-9Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management for Data-Driven, Intelligent, Collaborative, and Sustainable ManufacturingIlkyeong Moon, Gyu M. Lee, Jinwoo Park, Dimitris Kiritsis, Gregor von Cieminski2018SpringerClick Here
43576978-3-319-99707-0Advances in Production Management Systems. Smart Manufacturing for Industry 4.0Ilkyeong Moon, Gyu M. Lee, Jinwoo Park, Dimitris Kiritsis, Gregor von Cieminski2018SpringerClick Here
43577978-3-319-99737-7Innovative Technologies and LearningTing-Ting Wu, Yueh-Min Huang, Rustam Shadiev, Lin Lin, Andreja Istenič Starčič2018SpringerClick Here
43578978-981-13-0149-0Ecological Wisdom Inspired Restoration EngineeringVarenyam Achal, Abhijit Mukherjee2019SpringerClick Here
43579978-981-13-1616-6Learning Through School Science InvestigationAzra Moeed, Dayle Anderson2018SpringerClick Here
43580978-981-13-1684-5Locational Analysis of Firms’ Activities from a Strategic PerspectiveToshiharu Ishikawa2018SpringerClick Here