Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 45,101-45,120 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
45101978-3-319-76638-6Trajectories and Origins: Survey on the Diversity of the French PopulationCris Beauchemin, Christelle Hamel, Patrick Simon2018SpringerClick Here
45102978-3-319-77237-0Network Science In EducationCatherine B. Cramer, Mason A. Porter, Hiroki Sayama, Lori Sheetz, Stephen Miles Uzzo2018SpringerClick Here
45103978-3-319-77353-7Political and Judicial Rights through the Prism of Religious BeliefCarl Sterkens, Hans-Georg Ziebertz2018SpringerClick Here
45104978-3-319-77434-3Introduction to Formal PhilosophySven Ove Hansson, Vincent F. Hendricks2018SpringerClick Here
45105978-3-319-78075-7Advances in Systematic CreativityLeonid Chechurin, Mikael Collan2019SpringerClick Here
45106978-3-319-79003-9Language Analysis for the Determination of OriginPeter L. Patrick, Monika S. Schmid, Karin Zwaan2019SpringerClick Here
45107978-3-319-89414-0The Managed BodyChris Bobel2019SpringerClick Here
45108978-3-319-89605-2Mapping Russia's Natural Focal DiseasesSvetlana Malkhazova, Varvara Mironova, Natalia Shartova, Dmitry Orlov2019SpringerClick Here
45109978-3-319-89650-2Formal Methods for Nonmonotonic and Related LogicsKarl Schlechta2018SpringerClick Here
45110978-3-319-89653-3Formal Methods for Nonmonotonic and Related LogicsKarl Schlechta2018SpringerClick Here
45111978-3-319-89818-6The STEAM Revolution Armida de la Garza, Charles Travis2019SpringerClick Here
45112978-3-319-89957-2AI in Marketing, Sales and ServicePeter Gentsch2019SpringerClick Here
45113978-3-319-90122-0Igapó (Black-water flooded forests) of the Amazon BasinRandall W. Myster2018SpringerClick Here
45114978-3-319-90345-3Emergence and Expansion of Preclassical MechanicsRivka Feldhay, Jürgen Renn, Matthias Schemmel, Matteo Valleriani2018SpringerClick Here
45115978-3-319-90409-2Alternative Food NetworksAlessandro Corsi, Filippo Barbera, Egidio Dansero, Cristiana Peano2018SpringerClick Here
45116978-3-319-90542-6Queerness in PlayTodd Harper, Meghan Blythe Adams, Nicholas Taylor2018SpringerClick Here
45117978-3-319-90725-3Heat Shock Proteins and StressAlexzander A. A. Asea, Punit Kaur2018SpringerClick Here
45118978-3-319-90905-9Language and LawSilvia Marino, Łucja Biel, Martina Bajčić, Vilelmini Sosoni2018SpringerClick Here
45119978-3-319-91137-3Arterial ChemoreceptorsEstelle B. Gauda, Maria Emilia Monteiro, Nanduri Prabhakar, Christopher Wyatt, Harold D. Schultz2018SpringerClick Here
45120978-3-319-91155-7Analysis for Computer ScientistsMichael Oberguggenberger, Alexander Ostermann2018SpringerClick Here