Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 45,961-45,980 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
45961978-1-4842-4185-1Developing Bots with QnA Maker ServiceKasam Shaikh2019SpringerClick Here
45962978-1-4842-4224-7Visual Studio Code DistilledAlessandro Del Sole2019SpringerClick Here
45963978-1-4842-4270-4Quick Start Guide to Penetration TestingSagar Rahalkar2019SpringerClick Here
45964978-3-030-00503-0Trauma, Autism, and Neurodevelopmental DisordersJason M. Fogler, Randall A. Phelps2018SpringerClick Here
45965978-3-030-01710-1Terrorism in the ClassroomImran Awan, Keith Spiller, Andrew Whiting2019SpringerClick Here
45966978-3-030-02363-8Wealth Creation in the World’s Largest Mergers and AcquisitionsB. Rajesh Kumar2019SpringerClick Here
45967978-3-030-03041-4Interchange Fee EconomicsJakub Górka2018SpringerClick Here
45968978-3-030-03837-3Listening and Knowledge in Reformation EuropeAnna Kvicalova2019SpringerClick Here
45969978-3-030-05481-6Modelling and Implementation of Complex SystemsSalim Chikhi, Abdelmalek Amine, Allaoua Chaoui, Djamel Eddine Saidouni2019SpringerClick Here
45970978-3-030-04834-1From Database to Cyber SecurityPierangela Samarati, Indrajit Ray, Indrakshi Ray2018SpringerClick Here
45971978-3-319-91388-9Planned ViolenceElleke Boehmer, Dominic Davies2018SpringerClick Here
45972978-3-319-91968-3Interventions in Career Design and Education Valérie Cohen-Scali, Jacques Pouyaud, Marek Podgórny, Violetta Drabik-Podgórna, Gabriela Aisenson, Jean Luc Bernaud, Issa Abdou Moumoula, Jean Guichard2018SpringerClick Here
45973978-3-319-94184-4Geomorphology of Proglacial SystemsTobias Heckmann, David Morche2019SpringerClick Here
45974978-3-319-96532-1Advances and Impacts of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving Sebastian Koziołek, Leonid Chechurin, Mikael Collan2018SpringerClick Here
45975978-3-319-96538-3Bioenergy for Sustainability and Security Basanta Kumara Behera, Ajit Varma2019SpringerClick Here
45976978-3-319-97126-1Poland From Partitions to EU AccessionPiotr Koryś2018SpringerClick Here
45977978-3-319-97855-0The British in ArgentinaDavid Rock2019SpringerClick Here
45978978-3-319-97919-9Hierarchical Feature Selection for Knowledge DiscoveryCen Wan2019SpringerClick Here
45979978-3-319-98131-4Explainable and Interpretable Models in Computer Vision and Machine LearningHugo Jair Escalante, Sergio Escalera, Isabelle Guyon, Xavier Baró, Yağmur Güçlütürk, Umut Güçlü, Marcel van Gerven2018SpringerClick Here
45980978-3-319-98364-6Report on the State of the European UnionJérôme Creel, Éloi Laurent, Jacques Le Cacheux2018SpringerClick Here