Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 46,121-46,140 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
46121978-3-319-91905-8LGBTI Asylum Seekers and Refugees from a Legal and Political PerspectiveArzu Güler, Maryna Shevtsova, Denise Venturi2019SpringerClick Here
46122978-3-319-93236-1Converso Non-Conformism in Early Modern SpainKevin Ingram2018SpringerClick Here
46123978-3-319-94508-8Africa on the Contemporary London StageTiziana Morosetti2018SpringerClick Here
46124978-3-319-94598-9Handbook of Parenting and Child Development Across the Lifespan Matthew R. Sanders, Alina Morawska2018SpringerClick Here
46125978-3-319-96274-0Hilary Putnam on Logic and MathematicsGeoffrey Hellman, Roy T. Cook2018SpringerClick Here
46126978-3-319-96815-5World Terraced Landscapes: History, Environment, Quality of LifeMauro Varotto, Luca Bonardi, Paolo Tarolli2019SpringerClick Here
46127978-3-319-96959-6The Boko Haram Insurgence In NigeriaEdlyne Eze Anugwom2019SpringerClick Here
46128978-3-319-97119-3BiorefineriesKurt Wagemann, Nils Tippkötter2019SpringerClick Here
46129978-3-319-97110-0New Bioprocessing Strategies: Development and Manufacturing of Recombinant Antibodies and ProteinsBob Kiss, Uwe Gottschalk, Michael Pohlscheidt2018SpringerClick Here
46130978-3-319-97247-3Human Security Norms in East AsiaYoichi Mine, Oscar A. Gómez, Ako Muto2019SpringerClick Here
46131978-3-319-98152-9Political Institutions and Democracy in PortugalAntónio Costa Pinto, Conceição Pequito Teixeira2019SpringerClick Here
46132978-3-319-98243-4Sexual Crime and PreventionRebecca Lievesley, Kerensa Hocken, Helen Elliott, Belinda Winder, Nicholas Blagden, Phil Banyard2018SpringerClick Here
46133978-3-319-98569-5The Social Construction of Global Corruption Elitza Katzarova2019SpringerClick Here
46134978-3-319-98917-4Diversity, Affect and Embodiment in OrganizingMarianna Fotaki, Alison Pullen2019SpringerClick Here
46135978-3-319-98935-8Cyber-Physical Systems SecurityÇetin Kaya Koç2018SpringerClick Here
46136978-3-319-99232-7Mangrove Ichnology of the Bay of Bengal Coast, Eastern IndiaChirananda De2019SpringerClick Here
46137978-3-319-99417-8Oceanographic and Biological Aspects of the Red SeaNajeeb M.A. Rasul, Ian C.F. Stewart2019SpringerClick Here
46138978-3-319-99777-3The Swings of ScienceLen Pismen2018SpringerClick Here
46139978-3-319-99903-6Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral ProductionEleonora Widzyk-Capehart, Asieh Hekmat, Raj Singhal2019SpringerClick Here
46140978-981-10-7284-0Environmental Biotechnology: For Sustainable FutureRanbir Chander Sobti, Naveen Kumar Arora, Richa Kothari2019SpringerClick Here