Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 46,301-46,320 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
46301978-3-030-02475-8Climate Friendly Goods and Technologies in AsiaSoumyananda Dinda2019SpringerClick Here
46302978-3-030-02562-5Underwater Wireless Power TransferTaofeek Orekan, Peng Zhang2019SpringerClick Here
46303978-3-030-02946-3Social Insurance and Older People in CyprusGregory Neocleous2019SpringerClick Here
46304978-3-030-03092-6Formative Assessment in United States ClassroomsCathy Box2019SpringerClick Here
46305978-3-030-03158-9Starch, Chitin and Chitosan Based Composites and NanocompositesMerin Sara Thomas, Rekha Rose Koshy, Siji K. Mary, Sabu Thomas, Laly A. Pothan2019SpringerClick Here
46306978-3-030-03314-9Advances in Soft and Hard ComputingJerzy Pejaś, Imed El Fray, Tomasz Hyla, Janusz Kacprzyk2019SpringerClick Here
46307978-3-030-03347-7Business Leadership and Market CompetitivenessAndrée Marie López-Fernández2019SpringerClick Here
46308978-3-030-03442-9Crimilegal Orders, Governance and Armed Conflict Markus Schultze-Kraft2019SpringerClick Here
46309978-3-030-03547-1Unrigging American ElectionsDari Sylvester Tran2019SpringerClick Here
46310978-3-030-03602-7Childhood, Orphans and Underage Heirs in Medieval Rural EnglandMiriam Müller2019SpringerClick Here
46311978-3-030-03733-8The American Counter-Revolution in Favor of LibertyIvan Jankovic2019SpringerClick Here
46312978-3-030-03783-3Adhesion in Layered Cement CompositesŁukasz Sadowski2019SpringerClick Here
46313978-3-030-03922-6The Dynamics and Complexities of Interracial Gay Families in South Africa: A New FrontierOluwafemi Adeagbo2019SpringerClick Here
46314978-3-030-04097-0Metaheuristics for Data Clustering and Image SegmentationMeera Ramadas, Ajith Abraham2019SpringerClick Here
46315978-3-319-73383-8Natural Hazards GIS-Based Spatial Modeling Using Data Mining TechniquesHamid Reza Pourghasemi, Mauro Rossi2019SpringerClick Here
46316978-3-319-77947-8Human Security and Migration in Europe's Southern BordersSusana Ferreira2019SpringerClick Here
46317978-3-319-90400-9Water and PowerMart A. Stewart, Peter A. Coclanis2019SpringerClick Here
46318978-3-319-93590-4Egyptian Coastal Lakes and Wetlands: Part I Abdelazim M. Negm, Mohamed Ali Bek, Sommer Abdel-Fattah2019SpringerClick Here
46319978-3-319-96160-6Biracial FamiliesRoudi Nazarinia Roy, Alethea Rollins2019SpringerClick Here
46320978-3-319-97274-9Public Humanities and the Spanish Civil WarAlison Ribeiro de Menezes, Antonio Cazorla-Sánchez, Adrian Shubert2018SpringerClick Here