Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 47,201-47,220 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
47201978-3-030-05472-4Directed Motivational Currents in L2Nourollah Zarrinabadi, Saeed Ketabi, Mansoor Tavakoli2019SpringerClick Here
47202978-3-030-05903-3Biolaw and Policy in the Twenty-First CenturyErick Valdés, Juan Alberto Lecaros2019SpringerClick Here
47203978-3-030-11205-9Water Resources in Central Asia: International ContextSergey S. Zhiltsov, Igor S. Zonn, Andrey G. Kostianoy, Aleksandr V. Semenov2018SpringerClick Here
47204978-3-030-11274-5Sustainable Production: Novel Trends in Energy, Environment and Material SystemsGrzegorz M. Królczyk, Małgorzata Wzorek, Anna Król, Orest Kochan, Jun Su, Janusz Kacprzyk2020SpringerClick Here
47205978-3-030-11407-7Information SecurityHein Venter, Marianne Loock, Marijke Coetzee, Mariki Eloff, Jan Eloff2019SpringerClick Here
47206978-3-030-12143-3Risks and Security of Internet and SystemsAkka Zemmari, Mohamed Mosbah, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Frédéric Cuppens2019SpringerClick Here
47207978-3-319-75004-0Climate Change-Resilient Agriculture and AgroforestryPaula Castro, Anabela Marisa Azul, Walter Leal Filho, Ulisses M. Azeiteiro2019SpringerClick Here
47208978-3-319-99085-9The Family OfficeBoris Canessa, Jens Escher, Alexander Koeberle-Schmid, Peter Preller, Christoph Weber2018SpringerClick Here
47209978-3-658-25120-8Remote Sensing of VegetationChristian Julian Bödinger2019SpringerClick Here
47210978-981-13-1083-6Enterprise Architecture for Global Companies in a Digital IT EraYoshimasa Masuda, Murlikrishna Viswanathan2019SpringerClick Here
47211978-981-13-2212-9New Developments and Advances in Robot ControlNabil Derbel, Jawhar Ghommam, Quanmin Zhu2019SpringerClick Here
47212978-981-13-2619-6Waste Water Recycling and ManagementSadhan Kumar Ghosh2019SpringerClick Here
47213978-981-13-3552-5Multifractals and Chronic Diseases of the Central Nervous SystemDipak Ghosh, Shukla Samanta, Sayantan Chakraborty2019SpringerClick Here
47214978-981-13-3633-1Molecular Toxicology in Caenorhabditis elegansDayong Wang2019SpringerClick Here
47215978-981-13-3666-9Development of China’s Cultural IndustryChang Jiang, Jialian Li, Tao Xu, Haijun Yang2019SpringerClick Here
47216978-981-13-3759-8Biotechnological Applications of PolyhydroxyalkanoatesVipin Chandra Kalia2019SpringerClick Here
47217978-981-13-5853-1Semiconducting Metal Oxides for Gas SensingYonghui Deng2019SpringerClick Here
47218978-981-13-5950-7VLSI Design and TestS. Rajaram, N.B. Balamurugan, D. Gracia Nirmala Rani, Virendra Singh2019SpringerClick Here
47219978-981-13-6171-5Renormalization Group Analysis of Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Driven Disordered SystemsTaiki Haga2019SpringerClick Here
47220978-3-030-01734-7Methods of Economic ResearchDarren Grant2018SpringerClick Here