Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 47,361-47,380 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
47361978-3-319-98282-3Time Series EconometricsJohn D. Levendis2018SpringerClick Here
47362978-3-319-98705-7Effective Complaint ManagementBernd Stauss, Wolfgang Seidel2019SpringerClick Here
47363978-3-319-99480-2Cliometrics of the FamilyClaude Diebolt, Auke Rijpma, Sarah Carmichael, Selin Dilli, Charlotte Störmer2019SpringerClick Here
47364978-90-481-2939-3Dao Companion to Chinese Buddhist PhilosophyYouru Wang, Sandra A. Wawrytko2018SpringerClick Here
47365978-981-10-7362-5Nexus of Resilience and Public Policy in a Modern Risk SocietyMika Shimizu, Allen L. Clark2019SpringerClick Here
47366978-981-13-2700-1Water Governance: Challenges and ProspectsAmarjit Singh, Dipankar Saha, Avinash C. Tyagi2019SpringerClick Here
47367978-981-13-2778-0Deterritorialised Identity and Transborder Movement in South AsiaNasir Uddin, Nasreen Chowdhory2019SpringerClick Here
47368978-981-13-3396-5Current Trends in the Representation of Physical Processes in Weather and Climate ModelsDavid A. Randall, J. Srinivasan, Ravi S. Nanjundiah, Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay2019SpringerClick Here
47369978-981-13-3657-7Drug Delivery Applications of Starch Biopolymer DerivativesJin Chen, Ling Chen, Fengwei Xie, Xiaoxi Li2019SpringerClick Here
47370978-981-13-3807-6Electrolyzed Water in Food: Fundamentals and ApplicationsTian Ding, Deog-Hwan Oh, Donghong Liu2019SpringerClick Here
47371978-981-13-5823-4Fuzzy Geometric Programming Techniques and ApplicationsSahidul Islam, Wasim Akram Mandal2019SpringerClick Here
47372978-1-137-51915-3Human Rights in AfricaEunice N. Sahle2019SpringerClick Here
47373978-3-030-01123-9Applied Mathematics and Scientific ComputingB. Rushi Kumar, R. Sivaraj, B. S. R. V. Prasad, M. Nalliah, A. Subramanyam Reddy2019SpringerClick Here
47374978-3-030-01569-5Reviews in Fluorescence 2017Chris D. Geddes2018SpringerClick Here
47375978-3-030-02161-0Introduction to Hybrid Intelligent NetworksZhi-Hong Guan, Bin Hu, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen2019SpringerClick Here
47376978-3-030-02254-9Chaperokine Activity of Heat Shock Proteins Alexzander A. A. Asea, Punit Kaur2019SpringerClick Here
47377978-3-030-03825-0Maritime Container Port SecurityXufan Zhang, Michael Roe2019SpringerClick Here
47378978-3-030-03795-6Hamlet and EmotionsPaul Megna, Bríd Phillips, R.S. White2019SpringerClick Here
47379978-3-030-03955-4The Fall of France in the Second World WarRichard Carswell2019SpringerClick Here
47380978-3-030-04553-1A Code for CarolynV. Anne Smith2019SpringerClick Here