Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 47,561-47,580 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
47561978-3-030-11503-6Watching Sympathetic Perpetrators on Italian TelevisionDana Renga2019SpringerClick Here
47562978-3-030-12998-9Information and Communication Technologies in Modern Agricultural DevelopmentMichail Salampasis, Thomas Bournaris2019SpringerClick Here
47563978-981-13-3486-3The Psychology of Chinese GamblingChi Chuen Chan, William Wai Lim Li, Amy Sau Lam Chiu2019SpringerClick Here
47564978-1-4842-4030-4Building Xamarin.Forms Mobile Apps Using XAMLDan Hermes, Nima Mazloumi2019SpringerClick Here
47565978-1-61091-891-6Ecology and Recovery of Eastern Old-Growth ForestsAndrew Barton, William Keeton2018SpringerClick Here
47566978-3-030-01668-5The Future Foreign CorrespondentSaba Bebawi, Mark Evans2019SpringerClick Here
47567978-3-030-02128-3Neurath ReconsideredJordi Cat, Adam Tamas Tuboly2019SpringerClick Here
47568978-3-030-03589-1Advances in Endophytic Fungal ResearchBhim Pratap Singh2019SpringerClick Here
47569978-3-030-04230-1Education and Public Policy in the European UnionSarah K. St. John, Mark Murphy2019SpringerClick Here
47570978-3-030-04675-0Pharmaceuticals from MicrobesDivya Arora, Chetan Sharma, Sundeep Jaglan, Eric Lichtfouse2019SpringerClick Here
47571978-3-030-05420-5Theoretical and Applied StatisticsCorrado Crocetta2019SpringerClick Here
47572978-3-030-05542-4Reviews on Biomarker Studies in Psychiatric and Neurodegenerative DisordersPaul C. Guest2019SpringerClick Here
47573978-3-030-05955-210th International Symposium on High-Temperature Metallurgical ProcessingTao Jiang, Jiann-Yang Hwang, Dean Gregurek, Zhiwei Peng, Jerome P. Downey, Baojun Zhao, Onuralp Yücel, Ender Keskinkilic, Rafael Padilla2019SpringerClick Here
47574978-3-030-06128-9Emergence and Modularity in Life SciencesLars H. Wegner, Ulrich Lüttge2019SpringerClick Here
47575978-3-030-10389-7Multi-Stage and Multi-Time Scale Feedback Control of Linear Systems with Applications to Fuel CellsVerica Radisavljević-Gajić, Miloš Milanović, Patrick Rose2019SpringerClick Here
47576978-3-030-10472-6Mathematical Problem SolvingPeter Liljedahl, Manuel Santos-Trigo2019SpringerClick Here
47577978-3-030-10600-3Navies and Maritime Policies in the South AtlanticÉrico Duarte, Manuel Correia de Barros2019SpringerClick Here
47578978-3-030-11842-6Taming Childhood?Rob Creasy, Fiona Corby2019SpringerClick Here
47579978-3-319-94730-3Human–Robot Intimate RelationshipsAdrian David Cheok, Emma Yann Zhang2019SpringerClick Here
47580978-3-319-98953-2Setting Foundations for the Creation of Public Value in Smart CitiesManuel Pedro Rodriguez Bolivar2019SpringerClick Here