Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 47,681-47,700 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
47681978-3-030-10383-5Green Materials EngineeringShadia Ikhmayies, Jian Li, Carlos Mauricio Fontes Vieira, Jean Igor Margem (Deceased), Fabio de Oliveira Braga2019SpringerClick Here
47682978-3-030-10603-4From Stars to Brains: Milestones in the Planetary Evolution of Life and IntelligenceAndrew Y. Glikson2019SpringerClick Here
47683978-3-030-11223-3Royal Rage and the Construction of Anglo-Norman Authority, c. 1000-1250Kate McGrath2019SpringerClick Here
47684978-3-030-11563-0Aligning IT and BusinessKatarzyna Tworek2019SpringerClick Here
47685978-3-030-11701-6Constitutional Asymmetry in Multinational FederalismPatricia Popelier, Maja Sahadžić2019SpringerClick Here
47686978-3-319-89315-0VasculopathiesMarc Thiriet2018SpringerClick Here
47687978-3-319-95483-7Lessons in Sustainable Development from Bangladesh and IndiaSimi Mehta, Vikash Kumar, Arjun Kumar2018SpringerClick Here
47688978-3-319-97217-6The Capsicum GenomeNirala Ramchiary, Chittaranjan Kole2019SpringerClick Here
47689978-3-319-97280-0The Castor Bean GenomeChittaranjan Kole, Pablo Rabinowicz2018SpringerClick Here
47690978-3-319-97580-1Quantum Signatures of ChaosFritz Haake, Sven Gnutzmann, Marek Kuś2018SpringerClick Here
47691978-3-319-98080-5Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Therapy for the EyeBrian G. Ballios, Michael J. Young2018SpringerClick Here
47692978-3-319-99513-7From Biocultural Homogenization to Biocultural ConservationRicardo Rozzi, Roy H. May Jr., F. Stuart Chapin III, Francisca Massardo, Michael C. Gavin, Irene J. Klaver, Aníbal Pauchard, Martin A. Nuñez, Daniel Simberloff2018SpringerClick Here
47693978-981-13-2835-0Biochemistry and Cell Biology of Ageing: Part I Biomedical ScienceJ. Robin Harris, Viktor I. Korolchuk2018SpringerClick Here
47694978-981-13-3756-7The Exclusionary Rule of Illegal Evidence in ChinaJingkun Liu2019SpringerClick Here
47695978-981-13-6120-3Teaching AIDSDilip K. Das2019SpringerClick Here
47696978-1-137-46260-2International Integration of the Brazilian EconomyElias C. Grivoyannis2019SpringerClick Here
47697978-3-030-03362-0Environmental Change in the Himalayan RegionAnup Saikia, Pankaj Thapa2019SpringerClick Here
47698978-3-030-03679-9The EU in a Trans-European SpaceSerena Giusti, Irina Mirkina2019SpringerClick Here
47699978-3-030-04128-1Housing in the United KingdomBrian Lund2019SpringerClick Here
47700978-3-030-04783-2Illiberal Transitional Justice and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of CambodiaRebecca Gidley2019SpringerClick Here