Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 47,801-47,820 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
47801978-1-4842-3838-7Digital Forensics BasicsNihad A. Hassan2019SpringerClick Here
47802978-1-4842-4149-3Practical Machine Learning and Image ProcessingHimanshu Singh2019SpringerClick Here
47803978-3-030-00458-3States and Non-Participatory Memberships in the WTOFelicia A. Grey2019SpringerClick Here
47804978-3-030-00758-4International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy 2018Harald Ginzky, Elizabeth Dooley, Irene L. Heuser, Emmanuel Kasimbazi, Till Markus, Tianbao Qin2019SpringerClick Here
47805978-3-030-02453-6Public Service Motivation and Civic EngagementFabian Homberg, Joyce Costello2019SpringerClick Here
47806978-3-030-02723-0REBT with Diverse Client Problems and PopulationsWindy Dryden, Michael E. Bernard2019SpringerClick Here
47807978-3-030-02910-4Games, Rhymes, and Wordplay of London ChildrenN. G. N. Kelsey, Janet E. Alton, J. D. A. Widdowson2019SpringerClick Here
47808978-3-030-02940-1Linear Algebra, Signal Processing, and Wavelets - A Unified ApproachØyvind Ryan2019SpringerClick Here
47809978-3-030-03225-8A Positive Psychological Approach to Suicide Jameson K. Hirsch, Edward C. Chang, Jessica Kelliher Rabon2018SpringerClick Here
47810978-3-030-03241-8A Concise Introduction to Measure TheorySatish Shirali2018SpringerClick Here
47811978-3-030-03260-9Austerity and the Public Role of DramaVictor Merriman2019SpringerClick Here
47812978-3-030-03430-6Nonlinear Analysis - Theory and MethodsNikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu, Dušan D. Repovš2019SpringerClick Here
47813978-3-030-04357-5English After RPGeoff Lindsey2019SpringerClick Here
47814978-3-030-04943-0The Ordinary Presidency of Donald J. TrumpJon Herbert, Trevor McCrisken, Andrew Wroe2019SpringerClick Here
47815978-3-030-05078-8Inflation Targeting and Financial StabilityMichael Heise2019SpringerClick Here
47816978-3-030-05087-0Revaluing Coastal FisheriesAlexander Dobeson2019SpringerClick Here
47817978-3-030-05478-6Strategic Decisions and Sustainability ChoicesOlimpia Meglio, Kathleen Park2019SpringerClick Here
47818978-3-030-05606-3Economic Miracles in the European EconomiesMagdalena Osińska2019SpringerClick Here
47819978-3-030-05560-8Augmenting Health and Social Care Students’ Clinical Learning ExperiencesStephen Billett, Jennifer Newton, Gary Rogers, Christy Noble2019SpringerClick Here
47820978-3-030-05663-6Ludwig PrandtlMichael Eckert2019SpringerClick Here