Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 48,461-48,480 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
48461978-3-030-10374-3Laser Scanning Systems in Highway and Safety AssessmentBiswajeet Pradhan, Maher Ibrahim Sameen2020SpringerClick Here
48462978-3-030-10513-6Brown Adipose TissueAlexander Pfeifer, Martin Klingenspor, Stephan Herzig2019SpringerClick Here
48463978-3-030-10635-5Clinical Guide to Psychiatric Assessment of Infants and Young ChildrenKaren A. Frankel, Joyce Harrison, Wanjiku F.M. Njoroge2019SpringerClick Here
48464978-3-030-11364-3New Perspectives and Challenges in Econophysics and SociophysicsFrédéric Abergel, Bikas K. Chakrabarti, Anirban Chakraborti, Nivedita Deo, Kiran Sharma2019SpringerClick Here
48465978-3-030-11757-3Health System Decentralization and RecentralizationAndrea Terlizzi2019SpringerClick Here
48466978-3-030-11818-1Urban Stormwater and Flood ManagementVeeriah Jegatheesan, Ashantha Goonetilleke, John van Leeuwen, Jaya Kandasamy, Doug Warner, Baden Myers, Muhammed Bhuiyan, Kevin Spence, Geoffrey Parker2019SpringerClick Here
48467978-3-030-12153-2Strigolactones - Biology and ApplicationsHinanit Koltai, Cristina Prandi2019SpringerClick Here
48468978-3-030-12469-4Novel Aspects of DiamondNianjun Yang2019SpringerClick Here
48469978-3-030-13005-3Digital Business ModelsBernd W. Wirtz2019SpringerClick Here
48470978-3-030-14027-4Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology 176Pieter de Tombe, Thomas Gudermann, Reinhard Jahn, Roland Lill2019SpringerClick Here
48471978-3-030-14489-0The US Financial System and its CrisesGiorgio Pizzutto2019SpringerClick Here
48472978-3-030-14771-6Syntactic n-grams in Computational LinguisticsGrigori Sidorov2019SpringerClick Here
48473978-3-030-14911-6Revisiting the Global ImaginaryChris Hudson, Erin K. Wilson2019SpringerClick Here
48474978-3-030-15318-2A Transatlantic Political Theology of Psychedelic AestheticsRoger K. Green2019SpringerClick Here
48475978-3-030-15479-0Strategic Corporate NegotiationsAndrea Caputo2019SpringerClick Here
48476978-3-030-15561-2An African Philosophy of Personhood, Morality, and PoliticsMotsamai Molefe2019SpringerClick Here
48477978-3-030-16142-2Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningQiang Yang, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Zhiguo Gong, Min-Ling Zhang, Sheng-Jun Huang2019SpringerClick Here
48478978-3-030-16145-3Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningQiang Yang, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Zhiguo Gong, Min-Ling Zhang, Sheng-Jun Huang2019SpringerClick Here
48479978-3-030-16148-4Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningQiang Yang, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Zhiguo Gong, Min-Ling Zhang, Sheng-Jun Huang2019SpringerClick Here
48480978-3-030-16339-6 New Advancements in Swarm Algorithms: Operators and ApplicationsErik Cuevas, Fernando Fausto, Adrián González2020SpringerClick Here