Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 48,601-48,620 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
48601978-3-030-06243-9Nonlocal Perimeter, Curvature and Minimal Surfaces for Measurable SetsJosé M. Mazón, Julio Daniel Rossi, J. Julián Toledo2019SpringerClick Here
48602978-3-030-11259-2Understanding Urban EcologyMyrna H. P. Hall, Stephen B. Balogh2019SpringerClick Here
48603978-3-030-11494-7World Market Price of OilAdalat Muradov, Yadulla Hasanli, Nazim Hajiyev2019SpringerClick Here
48604978-3-030-13570-6School Acts and the Rise of Mass SchoolingJohannes Westberg, Lukas Boser, Ingrid Brühwiler2019SpringerClick Here
48605978-3-030-13841-7Time, Freedom and the SelfMichelle Shir-Wise2019SpringerClick Here
48606978-3-030-14046-5Intergenerational Memory and Language of the Sarajevo SephardimJonna Rock2019SpringerClick Here
48607978-3-030-14922-2Deep Energy Retrofit Guide for Public BuildingsRüdiger Lohse, Alexander Zhivov2019SpringerClick Here
48608978-3-030-14853-9Those Who Come AfterStephen Frosh2019SpringerClick Here
48609978-3-030-15256-7New Approaches to Literature for Language LearningJeneen Naji, Ganakumaran Subramaniam, Goodith White2019SpringerClick Here
48610978-3-030-15577-3Smart Technologies and Innovations in Design for Control of Technological Processes and Objects: Economy and ProductionDenis B. Solovev2020SpringerClick Here
48611978-3-319-94854-6Ebola Virus DiseaseMarta Lado2018SpringerClick Here
48612978-3-662-57530-7Assessment Report on Chinese Primary School Students’ Academic AchievementHuisheng Tian, Zhichang Sun2019SpringerClick Here
48613978-981-13-6818-9Teaching Educational Leadership in Muslim CountriesEugenie A. Samier, Eman S. ElKaleh2019SpringerClick Here
48614978-981-13-7470-8Industrial Revolution 4.0, Tech Giants, and Digitized SocietiesTai Wei Lim2019SpringerClick Here
48615978-1-4614-7753-2Encyclopedia of Law and EconomicsAlain Marciano, Giovanni Battista Ramello2019SpringerClick Here
48616978-3-030-00605-1Commercial Law Aspects of Residential Mortgage Securitisation in AustraliaPelma Rajapakse, Shanuka Senarath2019SpringerClick Here
48617978-3-030-01974-7Material Practice and Materiality: Too Long Ignored in Science EducationCatherine Milne, Kathryn Scantlebury2019SpringerClick Here
48618978-3-030-02871-8Market IntegrityRobert A. Schwartz, John Aidan Byrne, Eileen Stempel2019SpringerClick Here
48619978-3-030-10668-3The Betrayal of Liberal EconomicsAmos Witztum2019SpringerClick Here
48620978-3-030-10671-3The Betrayal of Liberal EconomicsAmos Witztum2019SpringerClick Here