Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 48,961-48,980 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
48961978-3-030-15115-7Perspectives on Community Well-Being Youngwha Kee, Seung Jong Lee, Rhonda Phillips2019SpringerClick Here
48962978-3-030-15508-7Flirting in the Era of #MeTooAlison Bartlett, Kyra Clarke, Rob Cover2019SpringerClick Here
48963978-3-030-15604-6Universities as Living Labs for Sustainable DevelopmentWalter Leal Filho, Amanda Lange Salvia, Rudi W. Pretorius, Luciana Londero Brandli, Evangelos Manolas, Fatima Alves, Ulisses Azeiteiro, Judy Rogers, Chris Shiel, Arminda Do Paco2020SpringerClick Here
48964978-3-030-16695-3Counterinsurgency Intelligence and the Emergency in MalayaRoger C. Arditti2019SpringerClick Here
48965978-3-030-16822-3Anti-Corruption Tabloid Journalism in AfricaBrian Chama2019SpringerClick Here
48966978-3-030-17115-5Surface Electron Cyclotron Waves in PlasmasVolodymyr Girka, Igor Girka, Manfred Thumm2019SpringerClick Here
48967978-3-030-18911-2Advances in National Brand and Private Label MarketingFrancisco J. Martínez-López, Juan Carlos Gázquez-Abad, Anne Roggeveen2019SpringerClick Here
48968978-3-030-20055-814th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications (SOCO 2019)Francisco Martínez Álvarez, Alicia Troncoso Lora, José António Sáez Muñoz, Héctor Quintián, Emilio Corchado2020SpringerClick Here
48969978-3-319-93549-2Advanced Statistics for the Behavioral SciencesJonathon D. Brown2018SpringerClick Here
48970978-3-319-94247-6Switzerland and MigrationBarbara Lüthi, Damir Skenderovic2019SpringerClick Here
48971978-3-662-58438-5Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC)Victor C. Li2019SpringerClick Here
48972978-981-13-1942-6Genome Data AnalysisJu Han Kim2019SpringerClick Here
48973978-981-13-2264-8Microalgae Biotechnology for Development of Biofuel and Wastewater TreatmentMd. Asraful Alam, Zhongming Wang2019SpringerClick Here
48974978-981-13-6358-0Environmental Concerns and Sustainable DevelopmentVertika Shukla, Narendra Kumar2020SpringerClick Here
48975978-981-13-6681-9Shaping the Future of Education, Communication and TechnologyWill W. K. Ma, Wendy Wing Lam Chan, Cat Miaoting Cheng2019SpringerClick Here
48976978-981-13-6972-8Perspectives on Neoliberalism, Labour and Globalization in IndiaK.R. Shyam Sundar2019SpringerClick Here
48977978-981-13-7213-1Student Centered Cooperative LearningGeorge M Jacobs, Willy A Renandya2019SpringerClick Here
48978978-981-13-7350-3Sri Lanka, Human Rights and the United NationsThamil Venthan Ananthavinayagan2019SpringerClick Here
48979978-981-13-7430-2Concepts of Soft ComputingSnehashish Chakraverty, Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Nisha Rani Mahato2019SpringerClick Here
48980978-981-13-7549-1Key Technologies of Intelligentized Welding ManufacturingYiming Huang, Shanben Chen2020SpringerClick Here