Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 49,141-49,160 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
49141978-3-030-13686-4Brazilian Evangelicalism in the Twenty-First CenturyEric Miller, Ronald J. Morgan2019SpringerClick Here
49142978-3-030-14288-9Labour Women in PowerPaula Bartley2019SpringerClick Here
49143978-3-030-14515-6Reading WestworldAlex Goody, Antonia Mackay2019SpringerClick Here
49144978-3-030-14572-9The Literary Heritage of the Environmental Justice MovementLance Newman2019SpringerClick Here
49145978-3-030-14865-2National Subcommissions of ICMI and their Role in the Reform of Mathematics EducationAlexander Karp2019SpringerClick Here
49146978-3-030-14957-4Ethnocultural Diversity and the Home-to-School LinkChristine M. McWayne, Fabienne Doucet, Susan M. Sheridan2019SpringerClick Here
49147978-3-030-15545-2Quantitative Stochastic Homogenization and Large-Scale RegularityScott Armstrong, Tuomo Kuusi, Jean-Christophe Mourrat2019SpringerClick Here
49148978-3-030-16283-2Negotiating Diasporic Identity in Arab-Canadian StudentsWisam Kh. Abdul-Jabbar2019SpringerClick Here
49149978-3-030-17391-3Resisting Theology, Furious HopeJordan E. Miller2019SpringerClick Here
49150978-3-030-17662-4The Public and Private Management of GriefCaroline Pearce2019SpringerClick Here
49151978-3-030-18937-2Democratic Socialism and Education: New Perspectives on Policy and PracticeNeil Hopkins2019SpringerClick Here
49152978-3-030-19424-6Computational Urban Planning and Management for Smart CitiesStan Geertman, Qingming Zhan, Andrew Allan, Christopher Pettit2019SpringerClick Here
49153978-3-030-19591-5Understanding the Brain Function and EmotionsJosé Manuel Ferrández Vicente, José Ramón Álvarez-Sánchez, Félix de la Paz López, Javier Toledo Moreo, Hojjat Adeli2019SpringerClick Here
49154978-3-030-19651-6From Bioinspired Systems and Biomedical Applications to Machine LearningJosé Manuel Ferrández Vicente, José Ramón Álvarez-Sánchez, Félix de la Paz López, Javier Toledo Moreo, Hojjat Adeli2019SpringerClick Here
49155978-3-030-19813-8Cybernetics and Automation Control Theory Methods in Intelligent AlgorithmsRadek Silhavy2019SpringerClick Here
49156978-3-030-19945-6Machine Learning for NetworkingÉric Renault, Paul Mühlethaler, Selma Boumerdassi2019SpringerClick Here
49157978-3-662-58817-8Identify Common Tropical and Subtropical Ornamental Plants by Flower Colour Katharina Kreissig2019SpringerClick Here
49158978-4-431-56877-3Molecular Soft-Interface ScienceMizuo Maeda, Atsushi Takahara, Hiromi Kitano, Tetsuji Yamaoka, Yoshiko Miura2019SpringerClick Here
49159978-981-13-6565-2The EU’s Crisis DecadeChih-Mei Luo2020SpringerClick Here
49160978-981-13-6837-0Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Healthcare Science and Engineering Chase Q. Wu, Ming-Chien Chyu, Jaime Lloret, Xianxian Li2019SpringerClick Here