Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 49,601-49,620 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
49601978-981-13-7326-8Studies in Indian Mathematics and AstronomyAditya Kolachana, K. Mahesh, K. Ramasubramanian2019SpringerClick Here
49602978-981-13-7330-52017 Press Conference Records of Ministry of Environmental Protection, the People's Republic of China Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China2020SpringerClick Here
49603978-981-13-7697-9The Competitiveness Report of Zhongguancun Listed Companies (2018) Zhongguancun Listed Companies Association2019SpringerClick Here
49604978-1-137-54847-4Television and the Genetic ImaginarySofia Bull2019SpringerClick Here
49605978-1-4842-4856-0Exploring Advanced Features in C#Dirk Strauss2019SpringerClick Here
49606978-3-030-06222-4Business and Consumer Analytics: New IdeasPablo Moscato, Natalie Jane de Vries2019SpringerClick Here
49607978-3-030-12173-0Space Supporting Africa Annette Froehlich, André Siebrits2019SpringerClick Here
49608978-3-030-14640-5Analysis of Operators on Function SpacesAlexandru Aleman, Haakan Hedenmalm, Dmitry Khavinson, Mihai Putinar2019SpringerClick Here
49609978-3-030-15024-2The First Socialization Debate (1918) and Early Efforts Towards SocializationJürgen Backhaus, Günther Chaloupek, Hans A. Frambach2019SpringerClick Here
49610978-3-030-16729-5Sustainable Development of Water and EnvironmentRong Sun, Li Fei2019SpringerClick Here
49611978-3-030-16781-3Shoaling with Fish: Using Miniature Robotic Agents to Close the Interaction Loop with Groups of Zebrafish Danio rerioFrank Bonnet, Francesco Mondada2019SpringerClick Here
49612978-3-030-16908-4Pericyte Biology in DiseaseAlexander Birbrair2019SpringerClick Here
49613978-3-030-17102-5Opportunities and Pitfalls of Corporate Social ResponsibilityShame Mugova, Paul R. Sachs2019SpringerClick Here
49614978-3-030-17312-8Big Data Science and Analytics for Smart Sustainable UrbanismSimon Elias Bibri2019SpringerClick Here
49615978-3-030-18075-1Security, Privacy and Trust in the IoT EnvironmentZaigham Mahmood2019SpringerClick Here
49616978-3-030-18807-8African Environmental EthicsMunamato Chemhuru2019SpringerClick Here
49617978-3-030-19795-7Political Hegemony and Social ComplexityAlex Williams2020SpringerClick Here
49618978-3-030-19677-6Introduction to Quantum MetrologyWaldemar Nawrocki2019SpringerClick Here
49619978-3-030-21241-4Statistical Methods for Experimental Research in Education and PsychologyJimmie Leppink2019SpringerClick Here
49620978-3-030-21711-2Group Decision and Negotiation: Behavior, Models, and SupportDanielle Costa Morais, Ashley Carreras, Adiel Teixeira de Almeida, Rudolf Vetschera2019SpringerClick Here