Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 77,781-77,800 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
77781978-981-19-6668-2Collapse of MetastabilitySeiji Miyashita2022SpringerClick Here
77782978-3-030-99083-1Pigments, Extenders, and Particles in Surface Coatings and PlasticsMichael Diebold, Steven De Backer, Philipp M. Niedenzu, Brett R. Hester, Frank A. C. Vanhecke2022SpringerClick Here
77783978-3-031-10905-8Joan Robinson in Princely IndiaPervez Tahir2022SpringerClick Here
77784978-3-031-10960-7The Language of Creative AICraig Vear, Fabrizio Poltronieri2022SpringerClick Here
77785978-3-031-11181-5Fluvial Systems in the AnthropoceneAznarul Islam, Prakriti Das, Sandipan Ghosh, Abarna Mukhopadhyay, Ayan Das Gupta, Arun Kumar Singh2022SpringerClick Here
77786978-3-031-11728-2Human Rights in this Age of UncertaintyVjollca Krasniqi, Jane McPherson2022SpringerClick Here
77787978-3-031-12059-6 Soil-Water, Agriculture, and Climate ChangeSwatantra Kumar Dubey, Prakash Kumar Jha, Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Aliva Nanda, Vivek Gupta2022SpringerClick Here
77788978-3-031-14072-3The Montessori Movement in Interwar EuropeChristine Quarfood2022SpringerClick Here
77789978-3-031-15135-4New Wave of Revolutions in the MENA RegionLeonid Issaev, Andrey Korotayev2022SpringerClick Here
77790978-3-031-18840-4Discovery SciencePoncelet Pascal, Dino Ienco2022SpringerClick Here
77791978-3-031-20053-3Computer Vision – ECCV 2022Shai Avidan, Gabriel Brostow, Moustapha Cissé, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Tal Hassner2022SpringerClick Here
77792978-3-031-20077-9Computer Vision – ECCV 2022Shai Avidan, Gabriel Brostow, Moustapha Cissé, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Tal Hassner2022SpringerClick Here
77793978-3-031-20179-0Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Best and Visionary PapersFrancisco S. Melo, Fei Fang2022SpringerClick Here
77794978-981-19-4472-7[ ] With Design: Reinventing Design ModesGerhard Bruyns, Huaxin Wei2022SpringerClick Here
77795978-981-19-4902-9Analysis, Optimization and Control of Grid-Interfaced Matrix-Based Isolated AC-DC ConvertersJaydeep Saha2022SpringerClick Here
77796978-981-19-5450-4Complex-Valued Neural Networks Systems with Time DelayZiye Zhang, Zhen Wang, Jian Chen, Chong Lin2022SpringerClick Here
77797978-981-19-7049-8Data Mining and Machine Learning in High-Performance SportRabiu Muazu Musa, Anwar P.P. Abdul Majeed, Mohamad Razali Abdullah, Garry Kuan, Mohd Azraai Mohd Razman2022SpringerClick Here
77798978-3-031-08950-3Emerging Trends in Systems Engineering LeadershipAlice F. Squires, Marilee J. Wheaton, Heather J. Feli2022SpringerClick Here
77799978-3-031-20891-1Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2022Richard Chbeir, Helen Huang, Fabrizio Silvestri, Yannis Manolopoulos, Yanchun Zhang2022SpringerClick Here
77800978-3-031-20917-8Provable and Practical SecurityChunpeng Ge, Fuchun Guo2022SpringerClick Here