Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 78,741-78,760 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
78741978-3-658-39779-1Out of the spiral of conflictAndrea Hartmann-Piraudeau2022SpringerClick Here
78742978-3-662-65008-0Quantum Computing CompactBettina Just2022SpringerClick Here
78743978-3-662-66491-9Transactions on Computational Science XXXIXMarina L. Gavrilova, C. J. Kenneth Tan2022SpringerClick Here
78744978-3-662-66494-0Ancient MathematicsDietmar Herrmann2022SpringerClick Here
78745978-3-662-66544-2Transactions on Rough Sets XXIIIJames F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Rabi Nanda Bhaumik, Sheela Ramanna2022SpringerClick Here
78746978-981-10-1775-9Comfort and Perception in ArchitectureJ. Alstan Jakubiec2022SpringerClick Here
78747978-981-16-9970-2100 Years of World Wars and Post-War Regional CollaborationKumiko Haba, Alfredo Canavero, Satoshi Mizobata2022SpringerClick Here
78748978-981-19-1836-0Relevance of Duties in the Contemporary WorldRaman Mittal, Kshitij Kumar Singh2022SpringerClick Here
78749978-981-19-2507-8Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in ImmunomodulatorsRajesh K. Kesharwani, Raj K. Keservani, Anil K. Sharma2022SpringerClick Here
78750978-981-19-2794-2The Civil Code of the People’s Republic of ChinaMeng Wan, Feng Zhu, Benedict Amour, Hailong Tang2022SpringerClick Here
78751978-981-19-2860-4Simulation Tools and Methods for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Radial Inflow TurbineJianhui Qi2022SpringerClick Here
78752978-981-19-3525-1Expository Moments for Pseudo DistributionsHaruhiko Ogasawara2022SpringerClick Here
78753978-981-19-3620-3UV-B Radiation and Crop GrowthSunita Kataria, Vijay Pratap Singh2022SpringerClick Here
78754978-981-19-3955-6Agro-industrial Perspectives on Sugarcane Production under Environmental StressKrishan K. Verma, Xiu-Peng Song, Vishnu D. Rajput, Sushil Solomon, Yang-Rui Li, Govind P. Rao2022SpringerClick Here
78755978-981-19-4222-8Conserving and Managing Historical Urban LandscapeXiaoxi Li, Ye Zhang2022SpringerClick Here
78756978-981-19-4457-4Dealing with Socially Responsible ConsumersJishnu Bhattacharyya2022SpringerClick Here
78757978-981-19-4563-2Understanding Actors and Processes Shaping Transgender SubjectivitiesZhanar Sekerbayeva2022SpringerClick Here
78758978-981-19-4800-8Role of Microorganisms in Pathogenesis and Management of Autoimmune DiseasesMitesh Kumar Dwivedi, A. Sankaranarayanan, E. Helen Kemp, Yehuda Shoenfeld2022SpringerClick Here
78759978-981-19-5099-5The Rise of the Middle Class in Contemporary ChinaHainan Su, Hong Wang, Fenglin Chang2022SpringerClick Here
78760978-981-19-5110-7Grassroots Democracy and Governance in IndiaAmiya Kumar Das2022SpringerClick Here