Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 79,501-79,520 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
795019781119605652Atomic-Scale Modelling of Electrochemical SystemsMarko M. Melander2021WileyClick Here
795029781118939079Atomistic Simulations of Glasses - Fundamentalsand ApplicationsJincheng Du2022WileyClick Here
795039781119279860Audio Source Separation and Speech EnhancementEmmanuel Vincent2018WileyClick Here
795049781119746201Audit and Accounting Guide - Not-for-Profit Entities 2020AICPA2020WileyClick Here
795059781119630838Audit Risk Alert - Employee Benefit Plans Industry Developments, 2019AICPA2019WileyClick Here
795069781119722205Audits of 401(k) Plans, Second EditionDeloitte & Touche Consulting Group2020WileyClick Here
795079781119618324Augmented Customer Strategy - CRM in the Digital AgeGilles N'Goala2019WileyClick Here
795089783433605325Ausführung von Stahlbauten - Kommentare zu DIN EN1090-2 und DIN EN 1090-4. (inkl. Volltext der Normen von CD-ROM)Herbert Schmidt2019WileyClick Here
795099781119560067Autodesk Revit 2020 for Architecture - No Experience RequiredEric Wing2019WileyClick Here
795109783527817511Automated Sample Preparation - Methods for GC-MSand LC-MSHans-Joachim Hubschmann2022WileyClick Here
795119781119765394Automated Vehicles and MaaS - Removing the BarriersBob Williams2021WileyClick Here
795129781119671183Automatic Detection of Irony - Opinion Mining in Microblogs and Social MediaJihen Karoui2019WileyClick Here
795139781119800675Automation and Computational Intelligence for Road Maintenance and Management - Advances and ApplicationsHamzeh Zakeri2022WileyClick Here
795149781119644576Automation Challenges of Socio-technical Systems - Paradoxes and ConflictsFrederic Vanderhaegen2019WileyClick Here
795159783527822843Automationslösungen in der analytischen Messtechnik - Theorie, Konzepte und AnwendungenHeidi Fleischer2019WileyClick Here
795169781118964897Automotive Power Transmission SystemsYi Zhang2018WileyClick Here
795179781119579663Automotive System Safety - Critical Considerations for Engineering and Effective ManagementJoseph D. Miller2020WileyClick Here
795189781119215974Autonomic Intelligence Evolved Cooperative NetworkingMichal Wodczak2018WileyClick Here
795199781119816140Autonomous & Connected Vehicles - Network Architectures from Legacy Networks to Automotive EthernetDominique Paret2022WileyClick Here
795209781119751717Autonomous Airborne Wireless NetworksMuhammad Ali Imran2021WileyClick Here