Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 81,101-81,120 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
811019781119549789Japan and Natural Disasters: Prevention and Risk ManagementJean-Francois Heimburger2018WileyClick Here
811029781119603672Japanese Equities - A Practical Guide to Investing in the NikkeiMichiro Naito2019WileyClick Here
811039781119367901JavaScript - The New ToysT. J. Crowder2020WileyClick Here
811049781119451761JavaScript and Open DataRobert Jeansoulin2018WileyClick Here
811059781118780190Jeremiah Through the CenturiesMary Chilton Callaway2020WileyClick Here
811069781119429807Joining of Polymer-Metal Hybrid Structures: Principles and ApplicationsSergio T. Amancio Filho2018WileyClick Here
811079781119982944Joint Communications and Sensing - From Fundamentals to Advanced TechniquesKai Wu2022WileyClick Here
811089781118693803Joint Source-Channel CodingAndres Kwasinski2022WileyClick Here
811099781118973332Jonah Through the CenturiesLena-Sofia Tiemeyer2021WileyClick Here
811109781119523543Junctionless Field-Effect Transistors - Design, Modeling and Simulation oBook WOL(PDF)Shubham Sahay2019WileyClick Here
811119781119605379Karst Hydrogeology, Geomorphology and CavesJo De Waele 2022WileyClick Here
811129781119564843Keras to Kubernetes - The Journey Of A Machine Learning Model To ProductionDattaraj Rao2019WileyClick Here
811139781119364825Kern's Process Heat Transfer, Second EditionAnn Marie Flynn2019WileyClick Here
811149781119620785Key Performance Indicators - Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs, Fourth EditionDavid Parmenter2019WileyClick Here
811159781119558071Keywords in Radical Geography - Antipode at 50The Antipode Editorial Collective2019WileyClick Here
811169781119557005Kinematic Control of Redundant Robot Arms Using Neural NetworksShuai Li2019WileyClick Here
811179781119195740Kinematics of General Spatial Mechanical SystemsM. Kemal Ozgoren2020WileyClick Here
811189781119671299Kinship, Ecology and History - Renewal of ConjuncturesLaurent Dousset2019WileyClick Here
811199781119317906Knowledge in Risk Assessment and ManagementTerje Aven2018WileyClick Here
811209781119681175Knowledge Management in Innovative Companies 1 - Understanding and Deploying a KM Plan within a Learning OrganizationPierre Saulais2019WileyClick Here