Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 81,401-81,420 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
814019781119801740Microprocessor 5 - Software and Hardware Aspectsof Development, Debugging and Testing - The MicrocomputerPhilippe Darche2020WileyClick Here
814029781119559580Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies and Design Complete Study Guide Exams AZ-303 and AZ-304Benjamin Perkins2020WileyClick Here
814039781119596608Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services for Architects - Designing Cloud SolutionsJohn Savill2019WileyClick Here
814049781118964194Microstructure of Dairy ProductsMamdouh El-Bakry2018WileyClick Here
814059781394182459Microwave and Millimeter-wave Antenna Design for5G Smartphone ApplicationsWonbin Hong2022WileyClick Here
814069781119666127Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers - Theory and Design, Second EditionUlrich L. Rohde2021WileyClick Here
814079781119292371Microwave Filters for Communication Systems: Fundamentals, Design, and Applications, Second EditionRichard J. Cameron2018WileyClick Here
814089781119826903Microwave Plasma Sources and Methods in Processing TechnologyLadislav Bardos2022WileyClick Here
814099781119490104Microwave Polarizers, Power Dividers, Phase Shifters, Circulators and SwitchesJoseph Helszajn2018WileyClick Here
814109781119828150Middle Market M & A - Handbook for Advisors, Investors, and Business Owners, 2nd EditionKenneth H. Marks2022WileyClick Here
814119781119751144Migration and Climate Change - From Prehistoric Cultures to Contemporary Management in OrganizationsJamila Alaktif2020WileyClick Here
814129781119572558Military Nuclear Accidents - Environmental, Ecological, Health and Socio-economic ConsequencesJean-Claude Amiard2019WileyClick Here
814139780891189114Mineral Classification of SoilsJ. A. Kittrick2020WileyClick Here
814149781119850861Mineral Resource Economics 1Floriant Fizaine2021WileyClick Here
814159781119882121Mineral Resource Economy 2 - Issues and Action LeversFloriant Fizaine2022WileyClick Here
814169780891188988Mineralogy In Soil Science & EngineeringGeorge W. Kunze2020WileyClick Here
814179780891188605Minerals in Soil EnvironmentsJoe B. Dixon2020WileyClick Here
814189783527827213Miniaturized Analytical Devices - Materials and TechnologySuresh Kumar Kailasa2021WileyClick Here
814199780891183167Minirhizotron Observation Tubes - Methods and Applications for Measuring Rhizosphere DynamicsH. M. Taylor2020WileyClick Here
814209781119461746Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology - Development of the Social Brain, Volume 39Jed T. Elison2018WileyClick Here