Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 82,001-82,020 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
820019781119421276Professional C++, Fourth EditionMarc Gregoire2018WileyClick Here
820029781119832119Professional Ethics in Construction and EngineeringJason Challender2022WileyClick Here
820039781119366560Professional JavaScript for Web Developers4th EditionMatt Frisbie2019WileyClick Here
820049781119540106Professional Practice for Architects and Project ManagersDavid Chappell2020WileyClick Here
820059781119666981Professional WordPress Plugin Development, Second EditionBrad Williams2020WileyClick Here
820069781119415992Profit from Your Forecasting Software: A Best Practice Guide for Sales ForecastersPaul Goodwin2018WileyClick Here
820079781119532231Profit Maximization Techniques for Operating Chemical PlantsSandip K. Lahiri2020WileyClick Here
820089781119356677Prognostics and Health Management - A Practical Approach to Improving System Reliability Using Conditioned-Based DataDouglas Goodman2019WileyClick Here
820099781119515326Prognostics and Health Management of Electronics- Fundamentals, Machine Learning, and IoTMichael G. Pecht2018WileyClick Here
820109781119837442Programming and GUI Fundamentals - TCL-TK for Electronic Design Automation (EDA)Suman Lata Tripathi2022WileyClick Here
820119781119418504Programming Interviews Exposed FOURTH EDITION: Coding Your Way Through the InterviewJohn Mongan2018WileyClick Here
820129781119749882Progress in Adhesion Adhesives Volume 5K. L. Mittal2020WileyClick Here
820139781119625322Progress in Adhesion Adhesives, Volume 4K. L. Mittal2019WileyClick Here
820149781119526445Progress in Adhesion and Adhesives, Volume 3K. L. Mittal2018WileyClick Here
820159781119846703Progress in Adhesion and Adhesives, Volume 6K. L. Mittal2021WileyClick Here
820169781119555650Progress in Solar Energy Technologies and ApplicationsUmakanta Sahoo2019WileyClick Here
820179781119368212Project Benefit Realisation and Project Management - The 6Q Governance ApproachRaymond C. Young2021WileyClick Here
820189781119486114Project Finance for Business DevelopmentJohn E. Triantis2018WileyClick Here
820199781119470717Project Management Best Practices: Achieving Global ExcellenceHarold Kerzner2018WileyClick Here
820209781119549109Project Management JumpStart, Fourth EditionKim Heldman2018WileyClick Here