Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 82,121-82,140 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
821219781119167020Reliability Engineering and ServicesTongdan Jin2019WileyClick Here
821229781119665946Reliability Engineering, Third EditionElsayed A. Elsayed2020WileyClick Here
821239781119610717Reliability of Maintained Systems Subjected to Wear Failure Mechanisms - Theory and ApplicationsFranck Bayle2019WileyClick Here
821249781394165483Reliability of Nuclear Power Plants - Methods, Data and ApplicationsAndre Lannoy2022WileyClick Here
821259781119411949Reliability Prediction and Testing TextbookLev M. Klyatis2018WileyClick Here
821269781119680970Reliable Robot Localization - A Constraint-Programming Approach Over Dynamical SystemsSimon Rohou2019WileyClick Here
821279781119664383Remanufacturing in the Circular Economy - Operations, Engineering and LogisticsNabil Nasr2019WileyClick Here
821289783527824137Remote C-H Bond Functionalizations - Methods and Strategies in Organic SynthesisDebabrata Maiti2021WileyClick Here
821299781119801849Remote Detection and Maritime Pollution - Chemical Spill StudiesStephane Le Floch2020WileyClick Here
821309781119159131Remote Sensing of Water-Related HazardsYang Hong2022WileyClick Here
821319781119785460Renewable Energy for Sustainable Growth AssessmentNayan Kumar2022WileyClick Here
821329781119804017Renewable Energy SystemsSanjay Kumar2022WileyClick Here
821339781119827634Renewable Energy Technologies - Advances and Emerging Trends for SustainabilityNayan Kumar2022WileyClick Here
821349781119689836Renewable Integrated Power System Stability and ControlHmin Golpra2021WileyClick Here
821359781119526582Repairable Systems Reliability Analysis - A Comprehensive FrameworkRajiv Nandan Rai2020WileyClick Here
821369780891189466Replenishing Soil Fertility in AfricaRoland J. Buresh2020WileyClick Here
821379781119858867Repositioning Financial Institutions through Technology Innovation and Operational ChangeJoerg Ruetschi2022WileyClick Here
821389781119779483Re-presentation Politics of the Fashion Industry - Discourse and Power ApparatusEleni Mouratidou2020WileyClick Here
821399781394163410Research Data Sharing and Valorization - Developments, Tendencies, ModelsJoachim Schpfel2022WileyClick Here
821409781119563600Research Design and Analysis - A Primer for the Non-StatisticianLeslie D. Rosenstein2019WileyClick Here