Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 82,241-82,260 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
822419783527834327Semiconductor Solar Photocatalysts - Fundamentalsand ApplicationsJiaguo Yu2022WileyClick Here
822429781394173792Semiotic Approaches in Science DidacticsCatherine Houdement2022WileyClick Here
822439781119517566Semi-Riemannian Geometry - The Mathematical Language of General Relativity oBookStephen C. Newman2019WileyClick Here
822449781119682806Sensor Data Analysis and Management - The Role of Deep LearningA. Suresh2021WileyClick Here
822459781119681427SEO Management - Methods and Techniques to Achieve SuccessVeronique Duong2019WileyClick Here
822469783527806096Sequence-Controlled PolymersJean-Franois Lutz2018WileyClick Here
822479781119818359Service Level Management in Emerging EnvironmentsNader Mbarek2021WileyClick Here
822489780891185741Seventy Generations of Selection For Oil and Protein in MaizeJ. W. Dudley2020WileyClick Here
822499780891183334Sewage Sludge - Land Utilization and the EnvironmentC. E. Clapp2020WileyClick Here
822509781119127291Sex Control in AquacultureHanping Wang2019WileyClick Here
822519781119771401Sexual Deviance - Understanding and Managing Deviant Sexual Interests and Paraphilic DisordersLeam A. Craig2021WileyClick Here
822529781119066699Shale - Subsurface Science and EngineeringThomas Dewers2019WileyClick Here
822539781119751342Shapes of Tourism Employment - HRM in the Worldsof Hotels and Air TransportGwenaelle Grefe2020WileyClick Here
822549781119765554Shaping Future 6G Networks - Needs, Impacts and TechnologiesEmmanuel Bertin2021WileyClick Here
822559781119695035Sharing Economy and Big Data AnalyticsSoraya Sedkaoui2020WileyClick Here
822569781119084136Shipboard Power Systems Design and Verification FundamentalsMohammed M. Islam2018WileyClick Here
822579783527803378Short Circuits in Power Systems - A Practical Guide to IEC 60909-0 2eIsmail Kasikci2018WileyClick Here
822589781119275770Sigma-Delta Converters - Theory, Practical Design Guide and Application Examples (2nd Edition)Jose M. de la Rosa2018WileyClick Here
822599783527818761Signal-Switchable Electrochemical Systems - Materials, Methods, and ApplicationsEvgeny Katz2018WileyClick Here
822609780891182344Silage Science and TechnologyDwayne R. Buxton2020WileyClick Here