Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 82,781-82,800 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
827819781119881698The Solar System 2 - External Satellites, Small Bodies, Cosmochemistry, Dynamics, ExobiologyTherese Encrenaz2021WileyClick Here
827829781119367413The Soviet Union - A Short HistoryMark Edele2018WileyClick Here
827839780891182627The State of Site-Specific Management for AgricultureF. J. Pierce2020WileyClick Here
827849781119500469The Statistical Analysis of Doubly Truncated Data- With Applications in RJacobo de Ua-lvarez2021WileyClick Here
827859781119218081The Strategic Digital Media EntrepreneurPenelope M. Abernathy2018WileyClick Here
827869781119694793The Success of Apprenticeships - Views of Stakeholders on Training and LearningJean-Luc Cerdin2020WileyClick Here
827879781119798835The Successful Trader's Guide to Money Management- Proven Strategies, Applications, and Management TechniquesAndrea Unger2021WileyClick Here
827889781119881087The Tactile InternetTara Ali-Yahiya2021WileyClick Here
827899781119130345The Technology and Business of Mobile Communications - An IntroductionMythri Hunukumbure2021WileyClick Here
827909781119851226The Terrestrial Macroinvertebrates of the Sub-Antarctic Iles Kerguelen and Ile de la PossessionMaurice Hulle2021WileyClick Here
827919781119510079The Three Sisters - Acid Gas Injection, Carbon Capture and Sequestration, and Enhanced Oil RecoveryYing Wu2019WileyClick Here
827929781119547709The Together Teacher - Plan Ahead, Get Organized,and Save Time!, Second EditionMaia Heyck-Merlin2021WileyClick Here
827939781119720348The Tool InstinctFranois Osiurak2020WileyClick Here
827949781119706953The Tourist Places of the WorldPhilippe Violier2020WileyClick Here
827959781119618300The Tourist Region - A Co-Construction of Tourism StakeholdersJerome Piriou2019WileyClick Here
827969781119723189The Trace FactoryYves Jeanneret2020WileyClick Here
827979781119817819The Trace Odyssey - A Journey Beyond AppearancesBeatrice Galinon-Melenec2021WileyClick Here
827989781119734567The Universal Tactics of Successful Trend Trading - Finding Opportunity in UncertaintyBrent Penfold2020WileyClick Here
827999781119549178The Unsettling Outdoors - Environmental Estrangement in Everyday LifeRussell Hitchings2021WileyClick Here
828009781119620662The Value Investors, Second Edition - Lessons from the World's Top Fund ManagersRonald Chan2021WileyClick Here