Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 83,101-83,120 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
831019781119650645Windows Operating System FundamentalsCrystal Panek2019WileyClick Here
831029781119390909Windows Security Monitoring: Scenarios and PatternsAndrei Miroshnikov2018WileyClick Here
831039781119650676Windows Server Administration FundamentalsCrystal Panek2019WileyClick Here
831049781118979082Wine Faults and Flaws - A Practical GuideKeith Grainger2021WileyClick Here
831059781119777434Wine Management and Marketing Opportunities for Companies and Challenges for the IndustryFoued Cheriet2020WileyClick Here
831069781119552635Wireless Automation as an Enabler for the Next Industrial RevolutionMuhammad Ali Imran2020WileyClick Here
831079781119790839Wireless Blockchain - Principles, Technologies and ApplicationsBin Cao2021WileyClick Here
831089781119584230Wireless Coexistence - Standards, Challenges, and Intelligent SolutionsDaniel Chew2021WileyClick Here
831099781119764441Wireless Communication Signals - A Laboratory-based ApproachHuseyin Arslan2021WileyClick Here
831109781119114963Wireless Connectivity - An Intuitive and Fundamental GuidePetar Popovski2020WileyClick Here
831119781119476863Wireless Information and Power Transfer - Theoryand PracticeDerrick Wing Kwan Ng2019WileyClick Here
831129781119654117Wireless Power Transfer - Principles and ApplicationsZhen Zhang2022WileyClick Here
831139781119578598Wireless Power Transmission for Sustainable Electronics - COST WiPE - IC1301Nuno Borges Carvalho2020WileyClick Here
831149781119718703Wireless RF Energy Transfer in the Massive IoT Era - Towards Sustainable Zero-energy NetworksHirley Alves2021WileyClick Here
831159781118951835Wittgenstein - Meaning and Mind (Volume 3 of an Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations), Part 1: Essays, Second EditionP. M. S. Hacker2019WileyClick Here
831169781118951781Wittgenstein - Meaning and Mind (Volume 3 of an Analytical Commentary on the Philosophical Investigations), Part 2: Exegesis ยงยง243-427P. M. S. Hacker2019WileyClick Here
831179781683670575Women in MicrobiologyRachel J. Whitaker2018WileyClick Here
831189781119633532Women of Color in Tech - A Blueprint for Inspiring and Mentoring the Next Generation of Technology InnovatorsSusanne Tedrick2020WileyClick Here
831199781119509646World Health SystemsXiaoming Sun2019WileyClick Here
831209781119681410World Industrialization - Shared Inventions, Competitive Innovations and Social DynamicsMichel Vigezzi2019WileyClick Here