Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 83,801-83,820 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
83801978-3-319-13431-4Youth Quotas and other Efficient Forms of Youth Participation in Ageing SocietiesJ�rg Tremmel Antony Mason Petter Haakenstad Godli Igor Dimitrijoski2015SpringerClick Here
83802978-1-4939-1689-4After EthicsAlejandro Haber Nick Shepherd2015SpringerClick Here
83803978-3-319-10392-1English as a Global Language in ChinaLin Pan2015SpringerClick Here
83804978-3-319-09456-4A Comparative Doxastic-Practice Epistemology of Religious ExperienceMark Owen Webb2015SpringerClick Here
83805978-3-319-18260-5Engineering Ethics for a Globalized WorldColleen Murphy Paolo Gardoni Hassan Bashir Charles E. Harris Jr. Eyad Masad2015SpringerClick Here
83806978-94-6300-259-2Building Democracy through Education on DiversitySuzanne Majhanovich R�gis MALET2015SpringerClick Here
83807978-3-319-20001-9Soviet Foreign Policy Towards East GermanyAchilleas Megas2015SpringerClick Here
83808978-3-319-09602-5Atheist Identities - Spaces and Social ContextsLori G. Beaman Steven Tomlins2015SpringerClick Here
83809978-94-017-9300-1Embracing Indigenous Knowledge in Science and Medical TeachingMariana G. Hewson2015SpringerClick Here
83810978-3-662-46748-0European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2015Christoph Herrmann Markus Krajewski J�rg Philipp Terhechte2015SpringerClick Here
83811978-3-319-09232-4Legal Fictions in Theory and PracticeMaksymilian Del Mar William Twining2015SpringerClick Here
83812978-981-287-326-2New Media and Learning in the 21st CenturyTzu-Bin Lin Victor Chen Ching Sing Chai2015SpringerClick Here
83813978-94-6300-046-8Educating for Sustainability in Primary SchoolsNeil Taylor Frances Quinn Chris Eames2015SpringerClick Here
83814978-981-287-182-4Disciplinary Intuitions and the Design of Learning EnvironmentsKenneth Y. T. Lim2015SpringerClick Here
83815978-981-287-537-2Scaling Educational InnovationsChee-Kit Looi Laik Woon Teh2015SpringerClick Here
83816978-94-6265-035-0The European Public Prosecutor?s OfficeL. H. Erkelens A.W.H. Meij M. Pawlik2015SpringerClick Here
83817978-3-319-15910-2Collective Rights and Digital ContentCl�udio Lucena2015SpringerClick Here
83818978-94-017-9448-0Politics of Religion/Religions of PoliticsAlistair Welchman2015SpringerClick Here
83819978-3-319-14271-5Law Language and TranslationRosanna Masiola Renato Tomei2015SpringerClick Here
83820978-3-319-10301-3Coping with Demographic Change: A Comparative View on Education and Local Government in Germany and PolandReinhold Sackmann Walter Bartl Bernadette Jonda Katarzyna Kopycka Christian Rademacher2015SpringerClick Here