Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 84,321-84,340 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
84321978-94-017-9370-4A Cultural-Historical Study of Children Learning ScienceMarilyn Fleer Niklas Pramling2015SpringerClick Here
84322978-3-319-18775-4Foundations of Civil JusticeFabien G�linas Cl�ment Camion Karine Bates Siena Anstis Catherine Pich� Mariko Khan Emily Grant2015SpringerClick Here
84323978-981-287-272-2Learning to Teach with AssessmentHeng Jiang2015SpringerClick Here
84324978-3-319-18470-8Recent Developments in Chinese Urban PlanningQisheng Pan Jason Cao2015SpringerClick Here
84325978-3-319-10271-9Religious Morality in John Henry NewmanGerard Magill2015SpringerClick Here
84326978-3-319-16175-4Comparing the Prospective Effect of Judicial Rulings Across JurisdictionsEva Steiner2015SpringerClick Here
84327978-3-319-12439-1Learning and Community Approaches for Promoting Well-BeingYoungwha Kee Yunji Kim Rhonda Phillips2015SpringerClick Here
84328978-3-658-09275-7The Unattainable Attempt to Avoid the Casus Irreducibilis for Cubic EquationsSara Confalonieri2015SpringerClick Here
84329978-3-319-20276-1Describing and Studying Domain-Specific Serious GamesJoke Torbeyns Erno Lehtinen Jan Elen2015SpringerClick Here
84330978-3-319-19342-7Geospatial Analysis to Support Urban Planning in BeijingYing Long Zhenjiang Shen2015SpringerClick Here
84331978-3-319-18332-9A Critical Examination of Ethics in Health Care and Biomedical ResearchRichard M. Zaner2015SpringerClick Here
84332978-3-662-44163-3A History of Chinese Science and TechnologyYongxiang Lu2015SpringerClick Here
84333978-3-319-13829-9Female-to-Male (FtM) Transgender People?s Experiences in AustraliaTiffany Jones Andrea del Pozo de Bolger Tinashe Dune Amy Lykins Gail Hawkes2015SpringerClick Here
84334978-3-662-46324-6Annual Report on Urban Development of China 2013Jiahua Pan Houkai Wei2015SpringerClick Here
84335978-3-319-19093-8What If We Don t Die?Peter Hulsroj2015SpringerClick Here
84336978-3-319-12268-7Roman Law and the Origins of the Civil Law TraditionGeorge Mousourakis2015SpringerClick Here
84337978-94-017-9379-7Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mind-Body DichotomyAlfonsina Scarinzi2015SpringerClick Here
84338978-94-6300-196-0Perspectives on Youth HIV/AIDS and Indigenous KnowledgesAnders Breidlid Austin M. Cheyeka Alawia Ibrahim Farag2015SpringerClick Here
84339978-3-319-12604-3The Emergence of Israeli-Greek CooperationAristotle Tziampiris2015SpringerClick Here
84340978-4-431-55363-2Learning Strategies and Cultural Evolution during the PalaeolithicAlex Mesoudi Kenichi Aoki2015SpringerClick Here