Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 84,501-84,520 of 187,828 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
845019789390364213Encyclopaedia Of Human Rights And Duties Volume 9: (Environment And Human Rights)Dr. R.K. Dubey2013Today and TomorrowClick Here
845029789390364046Encyclopaedia Of Human Rights And Duties Volume-1(Societal Issues Of Human Rights)Dr. R.K. Dubey2013Today and TomorrowClick Here
845039789390364060Encyclopaedia Of Human Rights And Duties Volume-2 (Women And Human Rights)Dr. R.K. Dubey2013Today and TomorrowClick Here
845049789390364077Encyclopaedia Of Human Rights And Duties Volume-3 (Children And Human Rights)Dr. R.K. Dubey2013Today and TomorrowClick Here
845059789390364121Encyclopaedia Of Human Rights And Duties Volume-4 ( The Aged and Disabled and Human Rights)Dr. R.K. Dubey2013Today and TomorrowClick Here
845069789354100406Encyclopaedia of Human Rights Volume-1P.C. Sinha2002Today and TomorrowClick Here
845079781915158451Feminisms, HIV and AIDS Human RightsAlexis Marko2021Today and TomorrowClick Here
845089789389980288Globalization And Human Rights, Social Justice And Political ChallengesAndy. Therborn2019Today and TomorrowClick Here
845099789389980554HIV-AIDs, NGOs And Human RightsRajesh Kumar2019Today and TomorrowClick Here
845109789381084892Human Rights (Perspectives and Challenges)Narendra Malik2013Today and TomorrowClick Here
845119788121251594Human Rights And Inhuman WrongsSanker Sen,Ips (Retd.)2010Today and TomorrowClick Here
845129789380138381Human Rights and International LawK.L. Deshmukh2011Today and TomorrowClick Here
845139789380138404Human Rights and Social JusticeMadhusudan Pandit2011Today and TomorrowClick Here
845149789353247829Human Rights And The World TodayArundhati Bhattacharyya2018Today and TomorrowClick Here
845159789355941558Human Rights Education: Modern Approaches and StrategiesA. Selvan2010Today and TomorrowClick Here
845169789380138794Human Rights of Accused in the Criminal JusticeProf. P.K. Singh2011Today and TomorrowClick Here
845179789380138688Human Rights of Refugees (Issues & Concerns in the Globalisation Era)Manish Chaturvedi2011Today and TomorrowClick Here
845189789390413409Human Rights of Women: Legal PerspectivesDr. B. Ramaswamy2013Today and TomorrowClick Here
845199789381084335-vol-2Human Rights Past, Present and Future Vol-2Gopal D. Pandey2013Today and TomorrowClick Here
845209789381084335-vol-1Human Rights Past, Present and Future Volume-1Gopal D. Pandey2013Today and TomorrowClick Here