Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 97,861-97,880 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
978619781003305217The Ethics of Abortion Christopher Kaczor 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978629781003162681Understanding Match-Fixing in Sport Bram Constandt; Argyro Elisavet Manoli 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978639781003262145Integrating Spirituality into Counseling Andrzej K. Jastrz?bski 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978649781003186335The Security Risk Handbook Charles Swanson 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978659781003290421Transhumanism, Ethics and the Therapeutic Revolution Stephen Goundrey-Smith 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978669781003345909Behind the Scenes in Social Research Herbert J. Rubin 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978679781003254485Electro Swing Chris Inglis 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978689781003325581Homelessness in the 21st Century Stephanie Southworth; Sara Brallier 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978699781003214496Pandemic Communication Stephen M. Croucher; Audra Diers-Lawson 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978709781003098355Principles of Sustainable Business Rob van Tulder; Eveline van Mil 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978719781003293255Sparking Creativity in the World Language Classroom Deborah Blaz; Tom Alsop 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978729781003301172Talk It Out Samantha Beaver 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978739780429353574Sufi Women, Embodiment, and the ?Self? Jamila Rodrigues 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978749781003222750Higher Education and Scientific Research in the Arabian Gulf States Khalid Arar; Abdellatif Sellami; Rania Sawalhi 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978759781003267911The Elections in Israel, 2019?2021 Michal Shamir; Gideon Rahat 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978769781003223023Fundamentals of the Persian Alphabet Shahla Adel 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978779781003261841The Emergent Container in Psychoanalysis Ana Martinez Acobi 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978789781003330837Gonzo Governance David L. Altheide 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978799781003335030The Social Psychology of Tolerance Maykel Verkuyten 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
978809781003301189Use Your Voice Samantha Beaver 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here