Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 98,421-98,440 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
984219781003302544Reconsideration of Science and Technology I Liu Dachun; Wang Bolu; Ding Junqiang; Liu Yongmou 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984229781003312161A Posthumous History of Jos‚ Mart¡ Alfred J. L¢pez 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984239781003047506Science Education Shamin Padalkar; Indira Vijaysimha; Mythili Ramchand; Rafikh Shaikh 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984249781003165774Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement in Vietnam Nguyen Quy Nghi; Jane Singer 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984259781003223269Reading Shakespeare in Jewish Theological Frameworks Caroline Wiesenthal Lion 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984269781003285427Exile as a Continuum in Joseph Conrad?s Fiction Ludmilla Voitkovska 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984279781003182009Helping ChildrenÿBecomeÿthe Heroes of their Stories Amanda Seyderhelm 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984289781003218746Contemporary Korea-Southeast Asian Relations Lam Peng Er 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984299781003213574Complexity Theory and the Social Sciences David Byrne; Gillian Callaghan 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984309781003265009Politics, Police and Crime in New York During Prohibition Francesco Landolfi 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984319781003023388Creative Writing Analysis Graeme Harper 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984329781003188070Islamic Finance in the Financial Markets of Europe, Asia and America Faiza Ismail 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984339781003275206The Resistible Corrosion of Europe?s Center-Left After 2008 Georg Menz 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984349781003300663The Global Culture of Bullying Carol L. Castleberry 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984359780367648145England?s Folk Revival and the Problem of Identity in Traditional Music Joseph Williams 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984369780429322273Integrative Systemic Therapy in Practice Douglas C. Breunlin; William P. Russell; Bahareh Sahebi 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984379781003104674NATO and the Strategic Defence Initiative Luc-Andr‚ Brunet 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984389781003169666Guided Math Lessons in Fifth Grade Nicki Newton 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984399781003225867Dialogues in Middle Level Education Research Volume 1 David C. Virtue 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
984409781003302971Great Trials and the Law in the Historical Imagination Russell L. Dees 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here