Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 99,701-99,720 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
997019781003331810Islam and Egalitarianism in Colonial Bengal Ananya Dasgupta 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997029781003342465The Structure of Policy Evolution Oldrich Bubak 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997039781003197904Performance Art Angeliki Avgitidou 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997049781003217008Insights on Immersive Journalism Ana Luisa S nchez Laws 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997059781003271321Populist Parties and Democratic Resilience Ben Crum; Alvaro Oleart 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997069781003270454The Deck Access Housing Design Guide Andrew Beharrell; Rory Olcayto 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997079781003340287Death, Dying and Palliative Care in Children and Young People Alison M. Rodriguez 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997089781003336396Religious Pluralism in India Subhadra Mitra Channa; Lancy Lobo 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997099781003212874Leadership and Virtues Toby P. Newstead; Ronald E. Riggio 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997109781003156932EMDR and Creative Arts Therapies Elizabeth Davis; Jennifer Marchand; Sherri Jacobs; Jocelyn Fitzgerald 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997119781032256641Managing Social Anxiety in Children and Young People Sue Jennings 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997129781003048190The Third Spaces of Digital Religion Stewart M. Hoover; Nabil Echchaibi 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997139781003318644Middle Class Identities and Social Crisis Alejandro Grimson; Menara Guizardi; Silvina Merenson 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997149781003142683The Routledge Introduction to the Canadian Short Story Maria L”schnigg 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997159781003162575In Pursuit of a Multilingual Equity Agenda Meg Gebhard; Kathryn Accurso 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997169781003224396Interviewing Gail Sedorkin; Amy Forbes 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997179781003292999The Contested Territory of Architectural Theory Elie G. Haddad 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997189781315608822The G20, Development and the UN Agenda 2030 Jan Wouters; Dries Lesage 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997199781003301448Adam Smith and Modernity Alberto Burgio 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
997209781003275404United Nations Peace Operations in Africa Saleem Ahmad Khan 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here