Delhi University Library System

University of Delhi, Delhi

Showing 99,821-99,840 of 160,084 items.
S.No.ISBNTitle of BookAuthorYearPublisherAction
998219781003248682Japanese Flower Culture ? An Introduction Kaeko Chiba 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998229781003200130The Figure of the Witness in International Criminal Tribunals Benjamin Thorne 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998239781003263111Innovations in Peace and Education Praxis David Tim Archer; Basma Hajir; William W. McInerney 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998249781003145196Race, Sex, and Segregation in Colonial Latin America Olimpia Rosenthal 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998259781003244417The Economics of Affordable Housing Alexander Styhre 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998269781003215110The Digital Transformation of Auditing and the Evolution of the Internal Audit Nabyla Daidj 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998279781003332626Insurgent Metaphors Pothik Ghosh 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998289781003320760Pulling Back the Curtain on Qualitative Research William Thompson; Mica Thompson 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998299781003323754Discourse Markers in Second Language French Alisha Reaves 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998309781003342120Crusades Jonathan Phillips; Iris Shagrir; Nikolaos G. Chrissis; Benjamin Z. Kedar 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998319781003184638Technology Brands in the Digital Economy Wioleta Kucharska; Ewa Lechman 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998329781003124528Devised Theater?s Collaborative Performance Telory D Arendell 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998339781003165699Pragmatic Reason Robert Talisse; Paniel Reyes C rdenas; Daniel Herbert 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998349781003312055Deliberation with Chinese Characteristics Su Yun Woo 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998359780367809621Black Everyday Lives, Material Culture and Narrative Shawn-Naphtali Sobers 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998369781003226659Professional Practice in Sport Performance Analysis Andrew Butterworth 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998379781003265672Crime, Violence, and Justice in Latin America Carlos Solar; Carlos A. P‚rez Ricart 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998389781003264668Common Hegemony, Populism, and the New Municipalism Alexandros Kioupkiolis 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998399781003343158Regulation of Debt Collection in Europe C?t?lin Gabriel St?nescu 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here
998409781003159759Linguistic Morphology in the Mind and Brain Davide Crepaldi 2023Taylor and FrancisClick Here